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I'm really mad, should I revenge?

Sad and Mad

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Sad and Mad

I've been seeing this man for almost two years. I'm deeply in love with him. Although I did not trust him completely I do not have too much doubt about his love for me. Until last week, I found out that he have been seeing someone else besides me. It hurts me really badly and right now I do not know how I'm going to go through life without him. I've decided to leave him despite the yearning I feel for him. Yesterday he called me at night and we talked about it. He told me that he loves both of us, me and her and he wants me to stay with him and also let him stay with her. I've told him that he will have to choose between the two of us and he refused to do so. Worse, he suggested that we all should move in and live together and his fantasy has always been having a "threesome" sexual relationship.


That shocked me. It hurts me and it also anger me beyond belief. I truly we have something really deep together and I've made so many plans for us to be together for the rest of our lives. Now my dreams are shattered. I'm all alone and so depressed.


It's not the first time he've done something like this. Three months into our relationship I found out he has been married. I wanted to leave him then but was not able too since he've promised to leave her. He actually did leave his wife and I thought that we could live happily ever after.


A few months after that while we were getting together with a bunch of friends and drinking, one of my girlfriend got drunk and were sleeping in the bedroom. I was a little drunk too so I lay down besides her. The next thing I know he was laying next to me, caressing her and started to kiss her. I got out of bed crying and running down the stair. He followed and begged for my forgiveness. I was stupid enough again to forgive him....Until now....


I am feeling so low now, like a loser. I have no directions in my life anymore and feel really lost


All I want now is to pay back for all the pain he has caused me. I know things about him that can really hurt him financially. And I really want to hurt him back so he can feel the pain I am feeling now. The advice I need is should I just forget about the whole thing or should I revenge so I can feel better. Please help!

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The best revenge is to GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE! You have clearly already wasted enough of your life on someone who does'nt TRULY love you.... I know he must have some feelings for you BUT if he truly loved you he would not have subjected you to situations that you were clearly not interested in. He has been totally selfish, obviously only interested in his own wants. Men who want to participate in threesomes etc. are rarely capable of being faithfull to one girl (woman), I'ts a hard pill to swallow but NOTHING you do will change him! So.... CHANGE YOURSELF!! First greive your loss, go through all the emotions- hate, anger,sadness,etc... and then get on with your life, I know it is hard to believe that there is someone else out there for you, but I promise you there is!! The most important thing to remember is to not give in to him (thinking one more chance etc....) this only sends mixed messages to him and will in the long run be harder on you, remember it is YOU you must think of here, who gives a damn about some-one who has treated you so poorly, you deserve better! Warning, once this guy see's how you are getting on with your life with dignity he will probably persue you, afterall a strong confident woman is VERY ATTRACTIVE!!!


i just re-read your post and I bet if must have killed you when he said that he loved another woman as well as you...


What a jerk!! He knows nothing about love.... Sorry if I have been blunt here, but I think you need to gey rid of him right away! I do not plan to "hang-out" at this site so please feel free to e-mail me with an update :)


<e-mail address removed>


Good Luck!!


Jade Mitchell

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