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"Just Friends"

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Okay, so, like, my close "guy friend." We are supossed to be just friends. but there is this one girl, who just can't help but to be shaking her ass at him, and I'm about to tear her head off. I have feelings for him, but I just don't know how to tell him. I don't know if he's attracted to me or not. I've been really hinting around to him how much I enjoy spending time with and such and he seems to be doing the same. (I hug him everytime I see him, he tells me where he'll be, and how much he wants me to be with him, lastnight for some reason we just stared in eachothers eyes for a few seconds which was just weird.) I have no chance against this girl who has been flirting with, no chance, but I don't know what to do.

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