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Happy guy..vs..regular guy

liquid dream

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liquid dream

I was just wondering what women would think of a guy who seemed to be happy and laid back with his life, other than a guy who is uptight about his life. I mean, does the not to worry, everything's going to be okay attitude out weigh the, strict, I have to be on top of everything attitude? Because whatever seems to go wrong in my life. I feel like I'm able to just pick my head up and smile again:). Is that more attractive than trying to have a strict personality, and showing that you get easily bothered from things?

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I was just wondering what women would think of a guy who seemed to be happy and laid back with his life, other than a guy who is uptight about his life. I mean, does the not to worry, everything's going to be okay attitude out weigh the, strict, I have to be on top of everything attitude? Because whatever seems to go wrong in my life. I feel like I'm able to just pick my head up and smile again:). Is that more attractive than trying to have a strict personality, and showing that you get easily bothered from things?

Having been around for a while, it seems to me that a guy who is content with his life can seem very attractive to women; not many of us can feel that way all the time. However, there are women, such as myself, who would tend to become suspicious about having that attitude all of the time. The is a middle ground to everything. I tend to pick this kind of attitude apart in people, because it seems so foreign to me. But if it works for you, and you're able to go on with your life no matter what ##### hits the fan, you're to be commended. And possibly envied.

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Everyone is different, but I think easygoing and laid back is much more attractive than a guy who is uptight and easily bothered. Things go wrong in life, some of them tiny, others huge, but to be able to pick up, move on, and deal with it is definitely a great quality. I can't stand being around someone who throws a fit if things don't go their way. I certainly don't expect a guy to never ever be bothered about anything (we all are at times), but forget being with someone who is constantly uptight and bothered. That would really get on my nerves.

I was just wondering what women would think of a guy who seemed to be happy and laid back with his life, other than a guy who is uptight about his life. I mean, does the not to worry, everything's going to be okay attitude out weigh the, strict, I have to be on top of everything attitude? Because whatever seems to go wrong in my life. I feel like I'm able to just pick my head up and smile again:). Is that more attractive than trying to have a strict personality, and showing that you get easily bothered from things?
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liquid dream

Well. what I meant is greeting people with a smile and coming off as being a guy with some happiness in his life. Is that more attractive than having the usuall "Hello"? How do most women respond to a smiling face as opposed to a guy that is either worried about his life, or a guy who just uses the usual "Hi, my name is...", or a guy who just comes off as being sick of things???

Having been around for a while, it seems to me that a guy who is content with his life can seem very attractive to women; not many of us can feel that way all the time. However, there are women, such as myself, who would tend to become suspicious about having that attitude all of the time. The is a middle ground to everything. I tend to pick this kind of attitude apart in people, because it seems so foreign to me. But if it works for you, and you're able to go on with your life no matter what ##### hits the fan, you're to be commended. And possibly envied.
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yeah....happy guy with a pinch of seriousness thrown in.


personally, i like a guy with a good sense of humour who also knows when to be serious. a guy who is too laid back is offputting, and a guy who is too uptight is offputting too.


i think a guy who can take the piss out of himself, laugh when things don't always go right, and knows what he wants, and knows when to be serious is a pretty good package. of course, i would expect a guy to get uptight every now and again, because they're only human (well...i think they are....hehe, just kidding).


i think there is an awful lot to be said for being able to smile when the chips are down, and i really admire people who can soldier on despite their pitfalls.

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everyone is different, but i personally would prefer a guy who knows how to let his hair down and have fun and be able to laugh about life, but who also knows how to be serious when need be. it's good to be able to have a laid back attitude sometimes, but there often comes a time when this kind of attitude can confuse things and be not so good. some problems can't always be laughed off, but i do admire people who have the ability to smile about life, with all its ups and downs. it's always attractive to see someone who is happy and content with themselves and their life, rather than someone who is constantly stressed out and uptight.

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