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Hmmm...doesn't sound promising

Miss Mojo

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hi alf,


while you might be sincere about spending the rest of your lives together, your post seems to indicate quite clearly that you are just not ready to do this. i even wonder if you will ever be ready to do this because you state that you two bicker so much. yes, an argument/disagreement/misunderstanding here and there is quite normal in a relationship and can sometimes be healthy, but when the arguing and nitpicking is a constant occurrence, it is most definitely not a good thing.


it is one thing to love a person and entertain thoughts of spending the rest of your lives together, but i can guarantee you, you will face tougher times ahead if you get married to this man. there will be tougher decisions to make as a couple regarding finances, work, children etc. not being a married couple is completely different (and from what i understand) a lot easier than being a married a couple...and if things don't work out in the marriage, there's a hell of a lot of fiddle-farting involved in getting out of the marriage.


personally, i don't think marriages should be entered into unless both parties are 110% sure they are ready and can handle anything that is dished out to them. i get the feeling from your post that you guys probably aren't suited to marriage, even though it's a nice dream to have....and is it possible that you are still with him out of habit because it's been such a long time??


remember, sometimes it's just not enough to love somebody.


good luck, and please don't rush into things!! there's a lot to be sorted out before the big "M" word comes into the picture.



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