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All the pieces are coming together. I think he's busted..so now what?

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To know the point I'm at right now you'd have to read all of my posts on this site..but I'll give you a little review minus a few details.. My boyfriend is going to college at the University of Texas Pan American which is 2000 miles away from me. So I never get to see him I just have to trust him. We've been together for 2 years ( As of Nov. 1 which is just in a couple of days) and he told me he's going to marry me when I finish college..I'm in 11th grade in High school and he's a sophmore in college. Our relationship has been the perfect " disney " relationship except a few typical minor arguments and a couple of big ones..but other than that we've had the most amazing times and have made it sooo far..


Okay so to get you started on what this new problem is you must read another post which is I think under " Long-distance Relationships " titled " My long distance b/f is drifting towards another "..That was quite some time ago and he quit mentioning her. But now, he accidentally brought up her name and I recognized it. He said, " yea Myra said in the library to me last week.." then paused realizing what he just said..He studies with a guy friend and that's all he told me he hasn't ever mentioned her since the time I posted that thread. We've been having HORRIBLE problems lately and they're all unexplainable but now his bad behavior is starting to come together since yesterday when he slipped up about talking to her and studying with her and not telling me.So if you want to read all of that read the 3 posts i've posted in this cateogory " cheating flirting and jealousy" and look for my name " Worried7"..

He's been distant, extra rude, yet sometimes extra sweet, I can only call him during certian times now, and he puts me down some of the time and picks fights. Alll signs of cheating..I guess when I don't think he's cheating I'm just in denial..but I don't know.

Okay so here are the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle..it all started when he met " some girl named Myra" off of a message board on his accounting class in school by " accident" ( now I"m realizing maybe it wasn't by accident)..he was in the library and was looking at the forum and she supposedly walked by saw what he was looking at and said " oh did u read my posts?" and mentioned what she posted and he said Omg that was u!? I agree with you so much on everything you say!! or something along those lines and now. SO THATS THE FIRST THING THAT TELLS ME HE MIGHT BE CHEATING..HE USED TO GET ON THOSE BOARDS ALL THE TIME AND I THINK HE JUST STARTED TALKING TO HER AND DIDN'T TELL ME THEN THEY MET UP. IT'S JUST TOO WIERD FOR THAT TO HAPPEN AND NOT ONLY THAT BUT HANGING OUT SINCE THEN AND HE HIDES IT AND I'M SUPPOSED TO BELIEVE NOTHING IS GOING ON? And so last night, I was asking questions and he said , "why are you asking so many questions? ( I asked like 2..like 'oh I didn't know you were hanging out with her'..So she's in ur class or what? oh that's cool' ) just simple little things..AND HE GOT FURIOUS..and antsy and starting babbling on and on about stuff that didn't make since and got nervous..THAT'S THE SECOND THING...Another thing ( besides all of my posts from what he's done ) is " the guy friend from Accounting" is ALWAYS calling his cell phone when he and i are talking and he says he call me back when he's finished talking with him..and he'll call back in like 15 minutes or 30..sometimes even an hour and say " oh he had a long accounting question sorry" or " oh he was telling me a funny story" or " oh it was nothing baby..sorry that took so long"..YOU DON'T TALK THAT LONG ABOUT NOTHING..or an accounting problem for that long? Does he think I'm stupid? Maybe I am stupid for being with him for this long and putting up with his crap..GlitterGirl knows what I'm talking about ;) OH AND ANOTHER THING..HE WAS AT A BBQ AND I HEARD HIM SAY ' HEY BABY' AND THEN GOT OFF THE PHONE REALLY FAST, NOW I'M ASSUMING THAT HE INVITED HER THERE, THE TIMING WAS JUST ABOUT RIGHT AND IT SURE WOULD EXPLAIN ALOT.. I don't know what to do about this...But it's just hard for me to pull away I've been with him for so long I won't know where to start or what to tell people if we end it..and it just seems unreal for it to be over after it being so great for soo long. I just love him too much. So now I have a few options..Stay with him and pretend like I don't know what's going on ( which is a hell no lol), Confront him and hope he can calmly explain himself and hope that really is what's going on or I'll feel like a prude, or what I'm planning on doing which is wait until December which is when i fly down to his area for Xmas break. That would be my chance to see what's going on cuz I could ask him if he could take me to his college campus for lunch or something just for me to experience it there..or ask me to introduce me to his friends. That's my chance to bust him or if he isn't doing anything to see if he's telling the truth..or I can just break it off with him right now and wonder what could have been( which would totally kill me I can tell you right now but it's probably the only option that I need to take in this situation).. Please post back and see which option I should take according to you. Your opionions would be greatly appreciated. GlitterGurls especially b/c she always comments back. ;)

Right now he's at the library studying and he told me not to call him for 4 entire hours.. So here goes 4 entire hours of being paranoid again..Someone plz write back ASAP. Thanks alot.



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