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Jealuosy... taking over

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I have a boyfriend of 3 years now.. and things have been shaky for the past month.. but thats fixing. The problem is my Best Friend... shes the type of person to steel anything from anyone and she needs all the attention... and this was never a problem with me in our friendship until she moved on to my boyfriend......... she has made him to belive she really wants to be his friend when really i know she just wants him and his attention...



I cant stand then together! I cant stand them hanging out with me not there... and i dont know if im being to jealouse or what but i know i will not ever be ok with them being friends because i know what she does to people. And i cant let her do that to him... I know i cant just say you cant hang out with her but thats how i feel and she knows i dont like them together but she really doesnt know why i feel that way and i cant just tell her shes a slut i dont know what should i do?

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I certainly understand where you are coming from in this situation... I love my best friend but I feel she is an attention hungery slut. While I believe that she has no interest in my boyfriend, I do get jealous of the attention she gives him and I feel that she woudl like him to like her. She has said a couple of years ago that she thought her boyfriend at the time liked me more than her. I just look at this as she is insecure and tries to find ways to make herself feel better so she flirts with my boyfriend. And my boyfriend loves to attention too.


Now moving on to your situation. I have made it very clear to my boyfriend that my friends are off limits or I will set him on fire. If I felt the need to head off my friend, I would definitely just have a talk with her (Runaway Bride style that Julia Roberts and Joane (?) Cuszak did). Like, "I know you like flriting with my boyfriend but it makes me really uncomfortable." And if you know of a certain instance that she has slutted it up with another friends' boyfriend you should say, i don't want what happened to (insert name) happen to us. I would then end it with a "how important our friendship is to me" comment. That way you have spoken your piece. You can't prevent stuff like that from happening no matter how hard you try and that isn't your job! But you can let both parties know how you feel about it so that there isn't ambiguity. Good luck!

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