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Honest Advice Please!


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Here is my situation. I met a great looking guy sometime last year at school. My first conversation with him was pretty good, but at the time I believe I was preoccupied with other happenings in my life, so I did not pay much attention. I would often run into him but I always seemed too busy to carry the conversation. As time progressed, and my friends and acquaintances mentioned that he was quite the hot item (not to be degrading) on campus, I realized that I had missed the boat on a great chance to get to know this guy. We never really talked for the remainder of the school year (only in passing, hi/bye etc.) However, I slowly came to realize that this person really interested me and was someone who I would want to get to know better. I had a few chances to approach him but I knew later on he was involved with someone, so I always ignored the opportunity to chat. Upon graduation I realized that I will never probably run into him again, but there is still that feeling of wondering if something was ever going on or not. I recently received a forward from a friend with what appears to be his e-mail address somewhere in jumble of forwarding. There is a strong possibility that this may be his address, but there is always a chance that it could not be (by looking at the name). Would I be a complete stalker to e-mail him to say hi? By me e-mailing would that completely turn a guy off? Please give me some honest advice because I don't want to come across as desperate. This may be my only chance to get in touch with him. Also, what would I say in the e-mail? There may be a good possibility he is involved in a relationship. Thanks for your help!

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liquid dream

I say that the only way to answer those questons is just to email the man. Be honest, tell him how you got his email addy. Don't come right off the bat and say how you felt or do feel. Just be friendly. There is only one way to find out wether or not he's still in a relationship, or wether or not you and him will hit it off okay. Just say that you came accross his email address and that you would like to have a chance to really get to know him, because you didn't in school. That's what I would do anyway. Good luck. Oh, about the whole guys thinking a woman is a stalker thing...well I don't think that it is possible for a guy to look down on a woman who wants him. I'm not saying that about you. But I'm just saying a lot of guys wish that there were women out there that would stalk them. But please don't do that at all...lol.. That would probably be very very bad!!!

Here is my situation. I met a great looking guy sometime last year at school. My first conversation with him was pretty good, but at the time I believe I was preoccupied with other happenings in my life, so I did not pay much attention. I would often run into him but I always seemed too busy to carry the conversation. As time progressed, and my friends and acquaintances mentioned that he was quite the hot item (not to be degrading) on campus, I realized that I had missed the boat on a great chance to get to know this guy. We never really talked for the remainder of the school year (only in passing, hi/bye etc.) However, I slowly came to realize that this person really interested me and was someone who I would want to get to know better. I had a few chances to approach him but I knew later on he was involved with someone, so I always ignored the opportunity to chat. Upon graduation I realized that I will never probably run into him again, but there is still that feeling of wondering if something was ever going on or not. I recently received a forward from a friend with what appears to be his e-mail address somewhere in jumble of forwarding. There is a strong possibility that this may be his address, but there is always a chance that it could not be (by looking at the name). Would I be a complete stalker to e-mail him to say hi? By me e-mailing would that completely turn a guy off? Please give me some honest advice because I don't want to come across as desperate. This may be my only chance to get in touch with him. Also, what would I say in the e-mail? There may be a good possibility he is involved in a relationship. Thanks for your help!
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I did not mean to send it twice (LQ)
I say that the only way to answer those questons is just to email the man. Be honest, tell him how you got his email addy. Don't come right off the bat and say how you felt or do feel. Just be friendly. There is only one way to find out wether or not he's still in a relationship, or wether or not you and him will hit it off okay. Just say that you came accross his email address and that you would like to have a chance to really get to know him, because you didn't in school. That's what I would do anyway. Good luck. Oh, about the whole guys thinking a woman is a stalker thing...well I don't think that it is possible for a guy to look down on a woman who wants him. I'm not saying that about you. But I'm just saying a lot of guys wish that there were women out there that would stalk them. But please don't do that at all...lol.. That would probably be very very bad!!!
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if i were you, before i even considered emailing this guy, i would find out if it is definitely his address. you don't want to be declaring your undying love to a stranger.


if you get the green light, i can see no problem in sending him a friendly email. don't tell him how you feel, he may well be in a relationship, as you said. i would just say hello and ask him how things are going for him. if you're feeling brave, mention catching up for a coffee if he is interested. but i suggest to keep it brief and friendly. i don't think it would be a turn off for him at all, email is a much better alternative than having to call him. you can say whatever you need to say in just a short message and then it is up to him whether or not he wants to reply......ahhhh, the beauty of email! if he doesn't respond, i would take the hint and back off....this may suggest he is in a relationship.


but otherwise go for it! don't be frightened, you'll totally regret it if you don't give it a try. you only live once!

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