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when having sex, i'm not exactly sure if i'm having an orgasm...i mean, it all feels really good and i get loud, but how do i tell if i actually have one or when i actually come?

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No man, or woman, in the history of the entire world until June 28, 2001 at 9:54p.m. Eastern Standard Time has EVER had to ask that question.


When you have an orgasm, there will be absolutely no question in your mind. By asking the question, you have NOT had an orgasm yet. But keep trying and getting loud.


As far as knowing when you cum, if you're a male there is ejaculate (seminal fluid) that comes out the end of your penis. You will feel it. If you are a female, you just vibrate with joy and goodwill toward mankind.


Say, is dom a male or female? Sometimes I get an orgasm just thinking about having one.


Good luck to you regarding this matter.

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truly tony, that part about women vibrating with joy and goodwill to mankind had me in stitches.


but back to dom's (male or female??) question....tony is correct - you will know WITHOUT A DOUBT when you have one. you will probably feel like you want to spontaneously combust and be shellshocked when you do have one and "down there" will do things it has never done before, and you will definitely feel it. uh huh. that's right.


might i suggest surfing the net for a site that can explain all about orgasms, so you won't have to worry about whether you've had one or not. type in something like "sexual health" and possibly "orgasms"...but do expect quite a few porno sites to appear in the list.


good luck and try not to wake the neighbours in your pursuit of the mindblowing orgasm.



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