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i need this girl i love her help help please i onley have five days

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im 16 i like this girl in my neighborhood

but she is onley here for 5 more days because her parrents are divorced so in 5 days she goes back to california. i live in illinois i really like her she is beautiful smart caring everything i want in a girl. but i dont know what to do in these 5 days to make her realize this i want to have a really good time with her i have a job (money) to take her places and buy her things i just want her fall in love with me. what should i do??? the relationship will work though because she is here for holidays to like christmas and spring break. i need her this is the one believe it or not.
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You are pathetic. You don't get girls by being goofy like this.


What are you wanting to do in the next five days, get engaged, married, have a kid, etc.??? Just exactly what is it that you want to happen? Most normal people date for a good while before even falling in love. You are making a very big mistake by rushing it. And besides, at your age you'll fall in love a dozen times before she gets back.


You also better get off this kick of thinking you can keep her around by taking her places and buying her things. Love is not for sale.


Cool your jets. The best thing you can do is just be nice to her for the next five days, but don't get all mushy around her or she will throw up all over you. Get her address and phone number and write or call her once in a while when she's out of town.


In seven or eight years, if you're still interested in her, look her up and then you can get something more serious going.

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Tell her how you feel and that you want to keep in touch. Maintaining a long distance relationship is not joyous. It can be lonely at times and tempting. Your friends may try to influence you to be with others. You have to be strong. You are very young. Try to keep in touch with her even if it is just as friends. I personally think that you should try to just be friends and see what time unfolds.

im 16 i like this girl in my neighborhood


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hi jim,


i hate to burst your bubble but:


a) she is *definitely not* "the one"...."the one" is the person who you have gotten to know after a length of time and at 16 years old, you'll feel as though a different chick every month could be "the one"....trust me, i was 16 once too.


b) you can't make someone realise something in 5 days. in fact, you can't make anybody do anything and that, more than anything, includes making someone fall in love with you. it just don't happen, buddy!


c) what you are dealing with her is infatuation, lust, not full-on love. i can guarantee you, without a doubt, swear on my grandfather's grave that you will feel this MANY more times to come yet.


d) money cannot buy love. money only buys stuff. if you were to buy this girl things in order to get her to like you, it will backfire in a big way. a guy could buy me everything i want in the world, and it still wouldn't make me love him. in fact, i'd think he was a downright twat to do it.


so my advice? give her your e-mail address, and work on the FRIENDSHIP first. tell her you'd like to keep in touch because you think she's a nice girl. heck, you might find after some time that you don't like her as much as you thought you did, and like i said earlier, you'll find yourself being attracted to many girls....at 16, we all seem to have intense crushes every month. i had marriage fantasies involving oooh....4 or 5 guys in high-school, and thank god they were only fantasies. i also thought i was inlove when i was 16, and now i just roll on the floor laughing when i think about this guy.


so please calm down a little bit with this girl...to declare undying love at 16 years old is a real turn-off. it's just far too much pressure and you are not ready for it yet. and besides, infatuations and crushes are a lot of fun.



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I was reading the other responces, and they don't give you any hope. Yes, maybe they are speaking the truth, but maybe she could be the "one" I know at 16 people don't think so, but you can't keep what your heart/head are telling you all bottled up inside.


Here's my advice, you can't make a girl love you, it's impossible. What you can do is just give her the next 5 best days of her life. Spend time with her (not necessarily buying her everything) Maybe take her to the park have a picnic or something. By my house I love the lake, LOL. Talk a lot. Yes it would be hard to make her fall in love w/ you for 5 days, so for the next 5 days be the best friend that you can be, maybe it will turn to more, maybe not, but if you are friends then at least when she comes back around you will have a head up on next time. Just give her the best time of her life, be there for her, and maybe just maybe she will be the one. Just make sure to write and call (and that sometims comes to an end, but might as well try) I'm giving you some hope, because i've been in your shoes, it can happen. GOOD LUCK!!!

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