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A cakeman....who wants more cake!

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I thought this was interesting.


A friend of mine, W, (we used to work together and are still friends) has been friends with a MM for years.


She heard all about his stale, boring marriage....his sexless wife and his suffocating lifestyle. A few years ago, he started up with an OW. Anyway, he used to tell 'W' about his wife and GF, telling her how 'confused' he was by it all.


Anyway, my friend 'W' recently told me that MM and she have started up a 'thing'

Yes, and guess what? Not only does he complain that the wife is 'frigid and cold' but that the GF is 'whiny and needy and clinging'


Of course, I advised her to extricate herself from this mess.


Anyway, be careful 'OW'. Sometimes as the MM complains about his wife to you....he's complaining about YOU to another OW.


Would she be the OOW????



My friend 'W' really knows better.....but it's so easy to get sucked in by compliments ("you're so beautiful", etc)

and she's vulnerable right now

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I thought this was interesting.


A friend of mine, W, (we used to work together and are still friends) has been friends with a MM for years.


She heard all about his stale, boring marriage....his sexless wife and his suffocating lifestyle. A few years ago, he started up with an OW. Anyway, he used to tell 'W' about his wife and GF, telling her how 'confused' he was by it all.


Anyway, my friend 'W' recently told me that MM and she have started up a 'thing'

Yes, and guess what? Not only does he complain that the wife is 'frigid and cold' but that the GF is 'whiny and needy and clinging'


Of course, I advised her to extricate herself from this mess.


Anyway, be careful 'OW'. Sometimes as the MM complains about his wife to you....he's complaining about YOU to another OW.


Would she be the OOW????



My friend 'W' really knows better.....but it's so easy to get sucked in by compliments ("you're so beautiful", etc)

and she's vulnerable right now


That was funny, Jay! But I'm STILL trying to get someone to tell me what a WS is. Someone on another thread called me that. Darn, it's bad enough to be called names but when you don't even know what you're being called...:mad: I guess ANYTHING is better than an OOW though right? Man, that just takes the CAKE! (Pun intended!);)

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Would she be the OOW????


Yes. And maybe you should get her to come and read some OW threads to put her off. She's in for a world of heartache. Or atleast print out copies of threads for her to read if she isn't comfy coming onto LS. The thing is, she knows better and it's too bad she's caught up in it. Just be there for her as a friend, she is going to need ya.


One day he'll have OOOW and complain about Wife, OW, your friend to the OOOW.

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I thought it was interesting you said something about him complaining about his wife etc. I have known people to not complain about their spouse, they do the opposite. They compliment them to others, put them high on a pedel stool and still go out and find someone else. I have always wondered why they do that? Anyway just thought I would throw that in that not everyone that seeks out or get involved with OW put down their wife/spouse.




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this was a great post!!!! When I was married ,my ex-H was a cheater , of course I caught him at it time and again but having kids we did not divorce immediatley.Instead I ignored it .But this struck me as funny b/c he actually complained about his OW to me!!! Im sure he complained about me to his OW too.But he told me intimate details ,such as she had sme#$y P@#sy and something that she said that would annoy him in bed.So much as to complain about how she took care of her son ,shed put on weight ,ect.Even told me one time that he knew if he ever ended it with me she would lose interest in him and cheat on him (Wow my marrige was warped ,majorly).We still had a physical relationship even though he told her otherwise,and she actually watched us through our window having sex.She had the gall to be upset !!It was my husband and told me to stop sleeping with "her man".Wow! So it just goes to show , if hell talk about someoe else he prolly talks about you too!

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Exactly, trintonik


I think the danger of being the OW is that you're made to feel 'special'


But remember that old saying? Watch how a man treats women other than you? It's a good indication that you'll be travelling along the same road!


Anyway, 'W' tells me she doesn't like the scenario and is seeing other people in addition to MM.


He is talking about leaving the wife and the OW and that he'd like to see how it would be with 'just the two of them'


but she is smart enough not to trust him. Unfortunately, she has a real soft spot for him and is bending over backward to 'be nice' and 'be supportive'. She says, "I told him I'd be friends with him for the next 6 months, nothing else, and we'll take it from there"


I doubt she's going to stick with that plan


And I HIGHLY doubt MM is going to kick the wife and GF to the curb


He is just full of excuses. W told me he finds it difficult to leave because


* Wife will take all his money

* Wife will limit his access to kids

* GF is shaky and fragile and will make a scene

* GF has 'been there' for him a long time and he feels guilty

* Wife will make his family members hate him

* GF needs help getting a job

* Wife needs help getting repairs to house done

* GF needs him to help her get through holidays

* Wife has large birthday party planned for oldest daughter



I mean, it's TWICE the normal amount of excuses with TWICE the women!

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I thought it was interesting you said something about him complaining about his wife etc. I have known people to not complain about their spouse, they do the opposite. They compliment them to others, put them high on a pedel stool and still go out and find someone else. I have always wondered why they do that? Anyway just thought I would throw that in that not everyone that seeks out or get involved with OW put down their wife/spouse.





Hm. Actually, I think it is a veiled kind of put-down - not an insult, per se, but more a way of distancing the wife from himself. "She's too good for me", "I can't measure up" - that's all just a way of copping out of working on whatever's not right in the relationship, when you get right down to it. And in this case he enlists the OW to be his "partner-in-crime" - they're in this thing together against the wife who can't understand x y or z, not because she's frigid or a b!tch but because she's too pure. Etc blah, you know the drill.

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