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Help Me Please

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I have a problem. I met this girl who I really like. The problem is she just wants to be friends and is interested in another guy. This guy is interested in her as well. The real problem is that I still really like her. I cover it up whenever speaking to her so that the conversation isn't made awkward and have tried to make myself stop liking her but I just can't stop thinking about her. It starting to make me feel really depressed and its harder to keep my mind on other things because I can't help but think about her. Can someone please help me because this is driving me insane.

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So you really enjoy making yourself feel bad. There's a word for that. Can you say "masochism?"


Thank your lucky stars this lady told you exactly how she feels instead of stringing you along and keeping you in reserve in case her other relationship doesn't work out.


If you don't have some control over your feelings, you better get yourself together. If being around this girl drives you nuts, avoid her like the plague. Have some respect for her and for her relationship and butt out.


The best thing you can do is go find another girl you like, one who doesn't have a boyfriend and who is free to be with you. There are lots around. I promise, if you find a really nice girl who cares about you...you'll forget about this one with the boyfriend in no time.


Avoid your lady buddy for now. Trying to be a friend with her is a lie and a fraud, since you want to be more than friends. In addition, it seems it will also be painful for you to put up this act. Be nice to yourself, OK?

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I have a problem. I met this girl who I really like. The problem is she just wants to be friends and is interested in another guy. This guy is interested in her as well. The real problem is that I still really like her. I cover it up whenever speaking to her so that the conversation isn't made awkward and have tried to make myself stop liking her but I just can't stop thinking about her. It starting to make me feel really depressed and its harder to keep my mind on other things because I can't help but think about her. Can someone please help me because this is driving me insane.

Dear Tony, I know how u feel guy. the thing to do is not surpress your feelings for this girl. Tell her exactly how u feel about her and don't worry about everything else. try to go about your daily routines and not neglect your own life. If you keep your emotions bottled up you will cause problems for yourself. Make sure that you never do that ever. So I suggest you tell her the truth, even if it hurts, and maybe she has the same feelings for you too. If you don't tell her your feelings she will never know will she? Don't live a life of regret, you will destroy yourself like that. Even if it doesn't work out you will know that you had been truthful to her and most importantly, yourself! At least your conscience will be clear. Believe me I am actually in a similsr situation at the moment and I found that honesty is the best policy. All the best!



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