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Playing with my mind

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I actually had a good time with my daughter over the weekend, we turned on AMC and watched scary movies and had to leave (11pm) in the middle of one and i think shes sorry she didnt say she'd stay overnight.

At any rate when i picked her up i had a chance to get the last of my things the EW packed for me 6 months ago. As i unpacked it sunday morning i saw a book she obviously bought (Live your best life now by Joel Ostenn) and she wrote in the cover, i hope you read this and know that God has something better out there for you, better than ever before yada yada yada. Its like shes hoping I meet someone and marry em. I mean in other cases, I could see this, but not from a woman who went off the deep so suddenly, ya know, all the I love you's 2 weeks before the divorce, etc.

Then I opened another book. It was a book she gave me 3 short years ago.

On the front were blanks she had to fill in:










Date 9/09/02


The occasion


Beacuse I love you!!!


I lost it. I dont know whether this is purposeful on her part or not. She brings me down with her book---then rips my heart out with the other.

Now I know she probably packed this all up before her move 6 months ago..

as she treated me soooo nice on the phone 2 wks ago but Im just so tired

of all the letdowns. If she didnt want to hurt me, i think she might have scoured the forgotten books and torn out the "because i love you" page. Or maybe she left it in for a reason. So tired of being played.

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Digger, sweetie, she's not playing with your emotions!!!


Playing with your emotions would be pursuing a relationship with you flat out and then saying no she didn't want to be with you.


SHe's not doing that. You've made all the advances and all she's done is retreat.


Please, please, please, get some counseling.

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