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Re: my dog is dying and my b'f can't wait

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It's such a hard thing when you beloved pet is sick and or dying. Did you boyfriend ever have such a close bond with a pet? If not then he just dosn't get it. I know when I had to have my cat put to sleep last year I was totally devastated. I could barely make it to work and even then I couldn't make it through the whole day without crying. I'm sure you've done this but try explaining to him how his actions make you feel and then give him time to think about it. His actions concerning your obvious pain are unacceptable.

my dog has a disease called cushings and it is making him dribble urine, it is smelling up the house and i shampoo the carpet regularly, but dispite the shampooing it still smells. he also has a chronic heart failure but his quality of life is still great. he still eats, bothers the cat, goes for walks, and begs for food, all the same things he's done for life. when his time comes i will do the right thing for him. but until then i can't do much about his urine dribbles.


i know they smell up the house but he don't mean to do it and my b'f is very angry and cannot wait until he is gone so we can get rid of smell. i fully understand his point but i think he is being very mean as i have had my lit'l corgi for fourteen wonderful long years. he has been there for me during the hardest and saddest times of my life and parting with him will be the hardest thing for me since my mom died in 1992. my dog was there for me when she died, when i cried he would come over and scratch on my leg, i know he knew i was sad. even today now he is deaf but he still knows when something is wrong and will not leave me alone. he will follow me all over the house and not leave me alone until he knows i'm okay again. my b'f knows all these so how can he be so insensitive?

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I can't offer any advice, but just wanted to give you my sympathy & tell you I know how you feel...my dog went thru exactly what yours is. I also had a corgi (mine was a cardigan welsh corgi) & they are the greatest dogs! We had her from when I was age 2, until we had to have her put down when I was 18. So she lived to be 16 years old. She also had the urine dribbling problem, (didn't know it was called 'cushings'), and she had developed cataracts in both eyes...she ended up going completely blind.


When we finally decided to have her put down it was a very hard thing to do, but she was beginning to suffer. I at least didn't have to deal with anyone close to me getting angry over my dog's unintentional behaviour....it's not the dog's fault!


And I also know exactly what you mean about them knowing when you're feeling down...my corgi was very protective of me as well, and would always stick beside me when I was upset. She'd come lay her head in my lap, trying to console me in her own way...


Anyway, just enjoy the time you have left with your corgi....mine truly was my best friend & I still miss her today.....



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