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Your worst kiss?

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What was your worst kiss? (and please, explain why ;) )

Did you stay with a bad kisser?

Did you re-train?


My worst kisser was younger then me. Every time we'd kiss, he would literally swallow my lips, and usually a part of my chin and nose as well.

I asked him, told him didn't like it, he thought it was funny. So now he is amusing someone else.

I got tired of going through boxes of Kleenex each time we saw eachother.:sick:

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My first real kiss... as in non-party game kiss... was when I was 14 and I was dating this boy in a 14 year old way and we were at the movies... we had been on hand holding terms and yes, even snuggling, for a while... plus I think he was secretly trying to grab my boobs from the side every time he put his arm around me, but I didn't mind... and anyways we were watching a movie in the theater ho hum and he just must have opened his mouth, stuck out his tongue and leaned over... first of all, I wasn't expecting it, so he kinda mushed my mouth with slobber, but then I kinda figured out what was going on and started to kiss him back but by then it was mostly over so it was more fumbly slobbering than kissing.... then we broke up the next week so we never tried again... luckily everything has worked out for me in the kissing department since then... I get lots of compliments....

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wonder why does your atavar makes me think of the worst kiss scenario? :p


I don't even wanna go there:lmao: :lmao:

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My worst kissers were kissing me with half a mouth. You know, they wouldn't fully open their mouth so nothing could come in there or get out of there. :lmao:

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I guess my worst kiss would be when i was little don't remember the age all i remember is he bit my lip!!:p lol

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My worst kissers were kissing me with half a mouth. You know, they wouldn't fully open their mouth so nothing could come in there or get out of there. :lmao:


That's funny RP. I was thinking that my worst kisses were with men who either opened their mouths too much, too wide, you know too slobbery or didn't open enough.


Also, the worst are those who don't vary the way they kiss. Always the same way. No variation EVER.

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Funny this should come up, as it was the topic of conversation last evening with one of my FWBs.


I don't remember the details, or even who it was with (:eek:); all I recall was the hard clanking of teeth and the painful jolt that ripped into my skull. ouch ouch ouch ouch!

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One in which the guy kissing me put his lips entirely around the outside perimeter of my lips and then proceeded to shove his tongue in my mouth as far as he could get it and then wagging it all around in my mouth. I remember drool dripping down my chin and all over my shirt and our teeth banging together. We were both 13 at the time. It was the first time 'french' kiss for us both. Absolutely horrible. Put me off tongue kissing for a long time.

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OMG, reading these posts I can so understand and laugh...


I would say my worse kiss was with a guy who kissed me with such puckered up lips and so damn hard it felt like I was kissing the bark on a tree..


:confused: I wonder if he watched his grandparents from the 40s kissing to learn that tech-unique.:p


I would rather a sloppy kiss then that..

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I've only ever kissed one guy, who happens to be a fantastic kisser. My first kiss with him was probably my worst (not that it was bad, per se, but just bad in comparison) because I wasn't expecting it and wasn't sure what to do. I kind of pulled away and leaped back eight feet before working up the courage to try it again, this time expecting it. :) Much better the second time.

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a guy tried to swallow my head once, i think. that was the end of that.

:lmao: Did we kiss the same guys?!?!?!:eek:


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OMG, reading these posts I can so understand and laugh...


I would say my worse kiss was with a guy who kissed me with such puckered up lips and so damn hard it felt like I was kissing the bark on a tree..


:confused: I wonder if he watched his grandparents from the 40s kissing to learn that tech-unique.:p


I would rather a sloppy kiss then that..


Send him a chap-stick for X-mas....guess you didn't have to eat dinner. Eeek...that's just gross.:confused:

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I would say my worse kiss was with a guy who kissed me with such puckered up lips and so damn hard it felt like I was kissing the bark on a tree..


Exactly. A to hard kiss is painful not pleasurable. Also to much saliva is just messy and not erotic. I like slow, soft kisses with variation and feeling. Having your eyes open while kissing is also a turn on.

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Also to much saliva is just messy and not erotic.


Wow when the passion is up and the heat is on. I love the messy wet kisses. damn... I love the feel of the slip and slide. I just dont want to feel like he is spittin

luugs in my mouth.

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My worst kiss was with a guy named Rob I met at a party.


We hit it off right away at the party, and actually a few hours later ended up making out. I didn't remember him being a bad kisser because we'd both had so much to drink!



A few weeks later, we went out on a date. This time I was sober. I realized he was a HORRIBLE kisser! His kissing actually HURT!

He would smash his mouth down over mine, really hard! Then he'd start doing this weird suctioning thing....like he'd suck my lips up into his own mouth.


It was weird, bizarre and painful.

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Too sloppy and wet is just like yuk...!! :sick:


It's cute when a puppy licks your face.. .when a guys is drooling down it, it's far from nice!! :D

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