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ALF....use dog DIAPERS.....read!!!

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Hi there,


I spend many hours a week, volunteering on various Animal Health Message Boards. I wanted to suggest to you, that you go and visit the Acmepet Dog Boards...the General Dog board and the Dog Health board. These boards are comprised of tons and tons of caring, knowledgable, supportive dog lovers. I'm sure there are folks there, who've gone through (or are GOING THROUGH) what you're going through with your dog. Go post on both boards, ask for suggestions on how to deal with the dribbling/odor, etc.


Off the top of my head, here are some suggestions I can think of (I don't have dogs, I have cats)...did you know that they make DOG DIAPERS? Made especially for dogs who have bladder/dribbling problems? TOns of people with older dogs (dogs with these problems) use them. That might be something for you to consider.....Use any search engine, like GOOGLE and do a search for "dog diapers" ....I know there are places online that sell them. Here are a few places I found that sell dog diapers:


Dog Diapers #1


Dog Diapers #3


Dog Diapers #2


Also, there are products out there to use for dog and cat urine......they MUST CONTAIN ENZYMES to completely get rid of the odor of urine. Household cleaners, steam cleaning solution, not enough. You need ones that contain special enzymes that break down the urea in the urine/to completely get rid of smell. A couple that come to mind are: Nature's Miracle, Simple Solution, there's another new one I heard of/can't remember it now. Go to any good pet supply store...like PetSmart......and ask them about "Pet Urine cleaning solutions with ENZYMES". I've heard that the ones you have to mix up yourself (come in a powder, you have to add water to them) work best.


Apply as directed.......


Here are the addresses to the Acme boards:


Dog Health Board/click here


General Dog Board


I suggest, until you can get the diapers, you put your dog in a room by himself for a few hours....then get some of the enzymatic cleaner and clean your house from top to bottom....saturating the areas. If you're not SURE where he's dribbled, many pet stores sell/rent/let you borrow a "black light"......you take this light and shine it all over your house (while all lights are out)..any areas that have urine will "illuminate" (purple/neon).......just put a marker or something there, or poor on the enzymatic cleaner to that area.........that way, you'll get ALL the areas.


I can understand that your b/f doesn't like the smell of urine, I really do......but this is dog is like your kid, you've had him for 14 yrs of your life......and it's not the dog's fault he has Cushings........sounds like despite everything, your dog is very happy and being very loved by you. If you feel your b/f is being mean to your dog, kick his ass out. Grown adults should not be mean to helpless older animals.


Hope this helps some. If you have any questions, feel free to write: <e-mail address removed>


The ladies on the Acme Boards will be able to help, too...but seriously consider getting those diapers.


BY THE WAY......are you positive the 'dribbling' is due to the Cushings??? Or could your dog possibly have a UrinarY Tract Infection? To be on the safe side, you should contact your Vet clinic and discuss with them, getting a urine sample from your dog (you get it) and bringing it in to be tested...........better to be on the safe side. Urinary Tract Infections can definitely cause a dog to pee in the wrong places/dribble.




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Here's the name of the Pet Urine Cleaning product that I'd mentioned/but had forgotten the name. I found the website that explains all about it/where to order it, etc.


Pet Urine Cleaning Solution


This one was highly recommended by one of the gals on the Cat Health board (she has a kitty with spinal problems and kitty has urine control problems).....she couldn't say enough good things about it. Just click on that link above and read about it. I'd even consider trying this one first.




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