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friend is always too busy for a date.. advice?

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Well it's been sometime since I've had a problem in this area.


Probably cuz since the last time I was burned by a similar siutation, I've avoided dating or even liking anybody. Reallly mature of myself. I'm totally aware, heh.




There's this girl. I'll spare y'all the fun details of why she's the one, etc. etc. All I hafta say is that she interests me.


So here's the story. Met her a few months back. Hit it off pretty well. At least I think to think that we have good rapport. She broke up with her bf maybe 2 months ago? Which was about the time that I met her. Oh how I wish that her breaking up with him was due to us meeting. HAH. So the story there is that she broke up with him. However, I've noticed that when I hang out with her.. she always seems to mention him.. telling me what's going on with them.. how he calls her all the time when he's drunk and says he hates her, etc. But then she always tends to mention that she thinks they will eventually get back together. (Which I have no idea how to respond to that, btw)


So yeah, after a while I admitted I liked her to myself. We've hung out maybe a total of 4 times studying together. Which always translates into us talking and just hanging out for a few hours. I asked her out on a date a few weeks back and she replied that yeah, it'd be cool. Now I wasn't too sure if she was aware that I was interested in her in that sense so a couple of days later I tried to schedule something saying, "hey.. what're you doing this day cuz i'd like to take you out on a date".. and once again she said yeah but we could never schedule a day. I didn't bring it up for a while cuz I didn't wanna seem needy.


My friend talked to one of her friends (really mature of me, I'm aware) and she told him that she mentioned me.. saying that she didn't want a "serious" date cuz it'd be awkward.. but that she loved studying with me.. and thought that I was really really funny. So at that point I kinda "gave up" for a while.. didn't put too much thought into it..


Then the other night at a party she came up to me saying, "hey.. when're we gonna go out on that date?? where're you gonna take me??" and stuff along those lines. But then again she was drunk. I was pretty buzzed at the time so I just said something like, "oh whenever you're not too for me busy haha" and that was that. I tend not to listen to girls when they're drunk so I just ignored that bit.


So I guess that's where things stand right now. She seems to always be too busy. But then again, she has time to come study with me, she's able to hang out with her friends (albeit late at night), she works a lot, she has a lot of extracurricular stuff going on.. and the thing about her mentioning her ex a bit kinda irks me.


So, I dunno.

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The title of your thread actually said it all...


So I guess that's where things stand right now. She seems to always be too busy. But then again, she has time to come study with me, she's able to hang out with her friends (albeit late at night), she works a lot, she has a lot of extracurricular stuff going on.. and the thing about her mentioning her ex a bit kinda irks me.

You're chances that you will ever get a date with her are zero, she has absolutely no interest in a date with you. Sorry. :(


The fact that she mentioned your date again when she was drunk shows that she's quite immature, you shouldn't waste your time on her.

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ah slap in the face that I needed.


yeah you're right.. if she hasn't made time for me.. that should've made it pretty obvious. dang. thanks, 'preciate it

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ah slap in the face that I needed.


yeah you're right.. if she hasn't made time for me.. that should've made it pretty obvious. dang. thanks, 'preciate it

Sorry... It's really really obvious from your post. If you're not too much in love with her, then I would not discard her completely as a friend because you can learn a lot from interactions with people from the other sex. Put some distance between you first and then see how much contact you can take. It's not the end of the world. :)

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the red flag was raised when she talked about a BF that she broke-up with recently.. that flag was hoisted when she said they both may eventually get back together.. the flag was up and flying when she made excuses for the date... this flag is now waving in front of ur face and all that u need to do is acknowledge it and move on to someone else that will return ur feelings.. :rolleyes:


I just said something like, "oh whenever you're not too for me busy haha" and that was that.


that incoherent sentence was proof enough that u were really buzzed :p


take it easy man... she is not the only fish in the sea :)

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