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URGENT:Interested in a girl, COMPLICATED SITUATION! need feedback! thanks!

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Alright guys, I've recreated the events which occured in the past few days, and I can't seem to figure this out. Moreso, I hate trying to figure these things out because I know that as a senior in highschool I have a lot of experience to gain and by stressing over things like this, I'm only going to make the situation worse. Please help by providing feedback, here we go...




Ok the situation is-


I met her at our halloween dance, you talked to her.

Me: “Hey I see you all you the time at East High!”

Me: “whats your name?”

Her: “Sarah”

“I’m Derik, want to dance?”

Neither of us knew how to dance to the song the DJ was playing(non-grind song, it was a country-based song).

Her: “how do you dance to this?”

Me: “I don’t know, just dance”

A bit later she said “I have to go find my group”

And she left



You see her slow dancing with some guy.. after the dance is over(the last dance of night, you approach her)

Me: “Hey Sarah, whats your #? I’ll call you and we’ll do something sometime”

Her: [Gives you her #]

Me: “Alright, I’ll talk to you later”


That was Oct 29

You wait 2 days, I know 3 days is the standard time to wait(to those girls out there, this is right, right? You wait 3 days so you dont seem desperate but not too long so that she forgets about you), but I'm impatient... so I wait 2 days


On Oct 31 you call her during the day, she’s with her friends

Conversation goes poorly, you don’t seem cool, its slow, uneventful, and coversations are always hard when the other person has friends around them, it gives you a natural disadvantage.

Me, after a minute: “I have another call, can you hang on a sec?”

She says “Yeah”

2 mins later, you're about to start talking to her again, but you hear: “Does he like you?” from one of her friends.

Then a few seconds later she hangs up.


I try calling her back, no answer.



You call her, she picks up, looks like she’s doing something again. Conversation is very short and brief. You ask if she wants to get lunch or something, she says “Yeah just text me during 2nd period” she has drill class that period. You agree, and say bye


Today… Nov.1

I text her in 2nd period(note we have 4 class periods in a day, lunch is after 2nd), ask her if she wants to go to lunch, no response

I call her, no response

I go to Wendy’s with ,my friends

She shows up with her friends

She probably sees you but you’re not sure

Jake comments on how some guy made out with her at the halloween dance(suggesting she’s easy because she didn’t go with a guy, but she still hooked up).

I don’t talk to her, and she doesn’t talk to you

I leave

I text her in 4th asking her if she wants to hang out

She says she can’t because she’s going with one of her drill friends to go over some stuff.

You say that’s fine, that you wanted to invite her to Hanah’s because everyone was going there, in the same text I mention that I haven't really gotten to know her and I ask her what her favorite bands are.

She doesn’t reply.





I put a - sign if i think certain aspects went badly, 2 -'s are very bad

+ signs if things went well for me


She gave you her real #, and corrected you when you wrote it incorrectly in your phone, that’s a (++), so far so good

You call her, she’s with her friends (--) and you don’t sound cool (-), she hangs up (--) You call her back but no answer(--)

You call her again at night, she’s with friends/a friend again (-), you talk very shortly and not very coolly (-). You arrange something for tomorrow(neutral)



You text her, no response(-)

Call her, no response (-)

Text her in 4th period and ask her to do something after school, says she can’t (-)

Doesn’t notice/pretends not to notice you in hall, but you look cool (neutral/+)


So, at this point, you’re in VERY BAD SHAPE, what can you?

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You probably don't want to hear this, but it sounds like a no go. Let her go. Simple clues to know when a girl is interested: she touches her hair, she touches you (on the arm or something), she tilts her head, and of course she smiles. If you didn't get one of those, she's not interested. Don't worry -- you're just getting started and have a LOT of good times ahead of you.

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I agree with the above. She does not have the attraction needed to take this anywhere.


Go silent on her. She may call you, but I wouldn't worry about it.


Besides, if she's hooking up at the dance, why do you want to date her?

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Yeah, let her go. She sounds like she's messing you about anyway. Why keep telling you to text her if she's only going to ignore you? Leave her to find some other doormat.


Plus, you need to not worry about sounding cool all the time. Fair enough, no one wants to make an idiot out of themselves, but cool isn't everything. Don't beat yourself up about it.


P.S Branding her 'easy' for making out with someone, bit harsh.

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It seems like you took a lot of time into writing that post. This girl is definately not worth your time. If a girl was really into you, she wouldn't for a second stand you up or turn you down. You need to stop calling/text messaging this girl. It makes you look somewhat desparate. You will do yourself a favour by forgetting about this girl, because the last thing you want is for someone to cheat on you! (Since you already came to the conclusion that she is the easy type)


Good luck!





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