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I ordered some things from Neiman Marcus after waiting about 2 weeks and 1 months it never came and they sent me a letter (snail mail) that they did not receive my order.In addition to that, i also talked to their representative and told me that I sent their a copy of that cashier's check. Yet, I already sent it to them by FedEX priority overnight and I still don't receive any answer from them.


Do you know how I can get back my $$$?

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If the store never received your order and the check, go to your bank and see if the cashier's check has been cashed. If it hasn't, have them cancel it as lost and reissue another one. If it has, get a copy of the cancelled cashier's check from the bank and send it to the store.


If the bank cashed the check for anyone except Neiman Marcus, then the bank is liable for giving you your money back because a cashier's check may only be cashed by the person or entity to which it was written.


If Neiman Marcus cashed and deposited the check, they should be happy to send you your merchandise upon recieving a copy of the cancelled check. If they don't, or if the check was cashed by someone other than Neiman Marcus, call the Federal Bureau of Investigation as well as the U.S. Postal Inspector and report the theft. Also, demand a new check from your bank...they screwed up.


If Neiman Marcus gives you any kind of problem at all after you've done what you need to do, ask to speak to a customer service supervisor...get the name...and let them know you are going to contact all the television stations in New York as well as the ones in your area to report this incident and how they treat mail order customers.


You are a whole lot better off dealing with credit cards where mail order is concerned. If you don't get the merchandise or if it is damaged, you simply dispute the charge and you don't pay until the whole matter is resolved.

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