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Back again and i need your help

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This is the longest going saga ever but its just got even more weird.


Right i will try and explain but here goes mind the spelling.


I started going out with my best mate who is now 20 back in Arpill we have known each other all our lifes extra but we decided to take it that step further.


During are time going out her ex she used to date died of cancer obviously she was devastated and stuff but i guess i helped her through it blah blah blah things where tough so she decided she wanted to end it all during this time i accused her of seeing this lad who was my best mate but she denied it all.


Anyways i found someone else and dated another girl for about 2 weeks the ex came back and said we should be together i love you extra and i loved her so we got back together i go on holiday don't cheat or anything get back everything is perfect. After about a month she started to get funny again been moody around me extra then she ends it all again I'm gutted obviously but then she started to go out with my best mate the one she denied she ever liked! I didn't talk to her after this even tho she wanted me to help her because she said I'm depressed i need help extra!!!


But i never did help her and because my family and hers are close i know most stuff about her in only a few weeks my ex and my ex best mate have bought an house together!


So over the last week i kept getting texts emails from the ex i thought I'm not replying infact i knew it was for the best!


But yesterday i did text back she was moving house that night and she said to me I'm living a lie i still love you and your the only one i want and she kept going on saying i don't want you out of my life i want to be with you...


So yesterday she moved house and ever since she as been texting me saying i dont want to be with my boyfriend i was mixed up before and Ive found the me i used to be and i love you..


So she wants to meet me next week i really do love her and she does me but should i meet her after all she to me,Ive tryed moving on but ain't really but now Ive made contact again everything as come flooding back and i really want to be with her again!


Would it work what would you do?



sorry its long but its kinda mixed up!

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We see what we want to believe, especially when our heart is broken.


Only thing she wants to change is who's in charge.

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We see what we want to believe, especially when our heart is broken.


Only thing she wants to change is who's in charge.


So you think its a waste of time?

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We see what we want to believe, especially when our heart is broken.


Only thing she wants to change is who's in charge.

got to agree, she's tried what she wanted to try and now wants to come back when it hasn't worked out for HER.

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