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I dont know what to do avout my drugie boyfriend!!!!

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Hey I need some real help. My boyfriend has been in and out of the whole drug seen. I met him Halloween of last year when he was just a regular pot head and doing "Robo Triping". He was to into drugs to start a relationship so i waited around for him for 6 months, when he started outpatient treatment. then he relized that I ment a lot to him. So he asked me out and told me he loved me alot. So it has been almost 3 months sence we have been together. about 1 month ago my good friend and her boyfriend broke up and my boyfriend is friends with her boyfriend because they help each other out in there bad habbits(Drugs)Every sence then he has been hanging around with him and other girls who just sit around and do drugs.More and more he has stopped calling me when he say he will, never try's to do anything with me. He's really smart I mean he graduated with a 4.0.Weed, extacy, acid is messing up our relationship. I've tryed telling him how I feel but hes always so high he has no opion. He says he want's to be with me.He says hes just having fun right now with his drugie crew. I need a solution. I will not break up with him though Iam in love with him soo much it would hurt tooo bad. Anybody out there have a solution please respond thank you.

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You don't need to break up with him. You are not in a relationship with him. He is committed to drugs, not to you. Until he goes into a treatment program of one to two years duration, he will always be committed to drugs. It is a powerful addiction that cannot be overcome without professional help and the sincere desire to do so.


So you can hang around, much of your life, waiting for him to snap out of his drug thing. I know you love him and want to stick with him but don't take things too seriously. You are very much alone in this "relationship". You will just have to take it on the chin until he either kills himself, has to be hospitalized with an overdose, gets some bad stuff and gets very ill, has a heart attack, kills somebody else, is involved in a serious or fatal accident, fries his brain cells, gets arrested for sale and/or possession of illegal substances, has all his assets seized by law enforcement, decides to get treatment, or a combination of two or more of the above.


Since you feel leaving him is not an option for you, you have some very lonely times ahead. If you think I'm kidding you, read up on some of this drug stuff. Call your local law enforcement and ask them questions about the effects of the drugs he's on.


There are lots of undercover narcs around and surely they'll catch up with him one day. Unfortunately that won't do him any good because drugs are very much available in jails.


You got a swell time ahead of you. I hope it turns out OK in the end...but block out at least five years of your life for this one and no telling which way it will go.

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Is your druggie boyfriend the knight in shining armor that you dreamed about when you were young? If he or any other guy you date doesn't fit that picture, leave him. It's as simple as that.


I agree with what Tony said. This guy has a full-time relationship with his drugs, not you. He needs serious help. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever date a guy who uses drugs.

Anybody out there have a solution please respond thank you.

Yes, the best solution is for you to break up with him...IMMEDIATELY. This guy will bring you nothing but trouble and heartache. Break up with him! Tell him that you will not put up with a guy that uses drugs, and suggest that he get himself into a treatment program soon.

I will not break up with him though Iam in love with him soo much it would hurt tooo bad.

So what if you're in love with him???????????? DOES IT REALLY MATTER? DO YOU REALLY THINK HE CARES? If he cared about you one bit or loved you at all, he would never use drugs while he was dating you. He wouldn't be high all the time if he wanted to be with you and spend quality time with you. Some weed rolled up in a joint means more to him that YOU. And if he had to choose, I'm 100% sure that he would pick his drug habit over you, anyday.


How do you feel about that? Will you still not break up with him?

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Well, you say you won't break up with him, so I don't know what kind of advice you're looking for. The solution to your situation is stick around and put up with it until he decides (if ever) to quit, or to dump his a@@ and move on with your life.


You also say that you're soo in love with him that it will hurt worse to break up. Okay, fine. It might hurt now, but think about your long term situation here. He won't stop using unless he WANTS to, and that may never happen. Do you want to put up with that? You might encounter many deeper hurts somewhere along the line.


Do this for me. List at least five things you love about this guy. You say you love him sooo much. What is it about him that you love? ('Because' and 'I just do' are not valid responses.) Think about why you want to be with him. If it's out of security and because it's easier than finding someone else, you need to get it together and move on. If he doesn't care enough about your relationship to stop using, then you shouldn't care enough to stick around. You can easily find someone out there who doesn't need drugs to make them happy.

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you soooo have to get rid of this guy. do you just expect him to wake up one day and give up his habit??? sorry love, not gonna happen. he has an ADDICTION, he has a PROBLEM. i can understand that you care for him, but this is one of those times in your life where you need to be completely selfish and do yourself a favour. he is going downhill and you can't let him take you with him. it won't be much longer until he is sponging or stealing off you to get money for his drugs.......addicts will do anything to get a fix. let his problem be his own, you need to get out and be on your merry way.

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Thank You to everyone who responded in my difficult situation. The one person who said what do I love about him list five things,First he's really caring.He's helped me through alot of hard times,he changed his ways for me, honesty. Last night i tryed breaking up with him and told him how I felt. He said that he's going to change he's just in a phase of having fun doing drugs with an older crew. he said i mean alot to him and he admitted to his addiction and that he is sorry. He said let's just try and stick with it for a little while longer and things will get better he said he promise's.Tell me more of what u guys think please.

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