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How should I let this girl know that it's over?


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I dated this girl for about nine months. However, I did not want to continue with the relationship, but did not want to hurt her in the process of doing so. (Especially, because she wanted to marry me.)


So I cut off all contact with her. I didn't call her, didn't return her phone calls.


This was two months ago. The girl hasn't gotten the point and is still calling me daily, asking how I am and wanting to know when I'll call her back. We don't live in the same city, so I never run into her. Her website still has a page dedicated to "Us" with pictures and a countdown to our "First anniversary". I asked one of our mutual friends to call her and see what she's up to. (ie: has she gotten the picture and moved on?) When the mutual friend asked how the "relationship" was, the girl said "He's disappeared on me! I hope that he's okay! He won't call me back and I'm worried." The friend didn't mention what was really going on to her and reported back to me.


How do I let this girl know that by not returning her phone calls and not contacting her, it means that I the relationship is over?

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