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Is this worth going after??

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Well last spring went with some friends someplace and a good friend of mine took his g/f who is a good friend of mine also, and she took a friend of hers along who was a female also, and yeah i really liked her from the get go and such, but never did anything early on cuase a friend of mine kinda was after so i left it alone to let him have a shot which he didnt, but anyhow so i kept in contaact with her over the summer threw msn messeneger and such, and kinda had feelings off and on, and altely i been thinking about her a lot agian, and when we talk she's always like hey bud, yur sucha nic guy, u deserve the best, u crack me up, ect.....and i'm wondering if she is just flirting with me or if this is something to consider going after, she just got out of dating a boy for about a month, and she told me she wanted some time to figure out what she wants a little more, and that she really isnt looking for a b/f that she just wants to be herself, but then i asked her last night if she wanted to do something with me in a couple weeks and she said heck yes i will, and so yeah, idk whats your take on this? should i give it a shot will she give me a try u think?

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You better only think of her as a friend because that's how she views you.

You better walk away if you want more before you get really emotionally involved. Not want you want to hear but I believe it is the truth.

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I say just hang out with her and see how things go.. what do you have to loose? This could turn out to be something and you both dont even know it, dont be to pushy on the "dating" thing right now just hang around each other more often and see what happens from there.

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but I must ask in response to this:


"but then i asked her last night if she wanted to do something with me in a couple weeks and she said heck yes i will"...


What is the "something" you had in mind?




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