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Think I posted in wrong forum earlier.


Guy asks girl out. Have great fun, get on really well. Sudenly, guy pulls out 'just friends' card. WTF! Definitely something there, lots in common, great! Complete turn round in 1 nite. So, move on. HE continues to call and msg, wanting to hang n chill out out, go to movies, sit in, get tipsy etc. Later down the line, find out he has girlfriend, girlfriend asks bfriend who I am, guy realises I know and approaches me, tels me he has girlfiend (feeln guilty?) says he is going to chuck her, fed up, starts being really nice to me. Found it strange, he acted as if he had been caught doing something bad, tried 2 expain himself, I didnt ask him 2?.


Then tels me he likes some1else. Asks f he should go out with her? What is he playing at? Does he want a reaction out of me? He is always first to want 2 do sumthin with me! Guys, f u had a girlfiend would u 4 example, b goin 2 movies wif another girl? What does this guy want? I'm sure he likes me, deep down he knows I liek him. Does guys only hang about with girls they fancy? They wouldnt waste their time on some1 they would never see themselves being with?..People hav askd wot z goin on, caus we onyl hang out on a 1 2 1 basis. Am I on the back burner? He crosses the just friends line too much. Screwing with my head? What does he want? Is this going anywwhere? He always wants to meet up 1 2 1.Even weird, we act like we dont even know each other when around other people. There is a weird tension when we around each other, good conversation, bt deep down its like someone wants 2 say something to the other, bt dont know what? Is like we ar waiting 4 something 2 happen, bt I dont know wot? Any input welcome!


GUYS- Am i wasting my time?

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forget him. He's toying with you. If i had a gf, i would not be going to the movies alone with another girl.


Dont question him. if he really liked you he'd dump his gf for you.

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BUT..... I am okay being friends, we have lots in common, always have good laugh. We speak regularly on the phone. We are good friends. Lately he has been really nice to me. Tries to see me on my own, get me away from a group if we are out. We totally open up to one another now when speaking, talk about everything just about. He says simple minds think alike! Spend alot more time with one another recently. I am okay with 'just friends' but sometimes I can't help wonder if it could be more? Its hard to get out this category once you are in it? Think I was put in the 'just friends' category when he met his current GF, but now he has finished it. He felt the need to explain himslef, cause he didnt want 2 hurt my feelings? I would have completely moved on ages ago if I ddnt think there was something more there?

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First, I really understand your situation, I am somewhat being with a kind of guy, but just he does not call any of his friends "gf". Sadly, I have started to not think of him as a truest soul mate but just try to see what would happen. But I dont advise you anything.

I think he wants you as a company and he likes hanging out with you more than with his gf maybe because you are an interesting person. But he does not like you enough or have no intention of breaking up with his gf to be with you. It is you to decide whether not to meet him in the "1 2 1" and "more than normal friends" way any more. Good luck.

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i am exactly in the same situation as u r... it's just that i am a guy and got played on by a woman.. i have the same questions that u have... she always meets 1-2-1, hangs out, movies, games, dinner, lunch..... finally when i asked her out 'officially' she pulled out the 'just friends' card... it's all there in my thread "Rebounds.."


some people just flat out suck!


don't ever hang out with this guy even as friends... he is using you!!!

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Okay. I would move on, but... HE keeps calling me, more so now than ever, couple of times a day some days. A guy calls YOU if he is interested? We talk about lots of stuff, just about everything. Talk about personal stuff. Really getting to know each other. Make each other laugh. HE approaches me to talk when we are out with other people. We can just look at each other, smile and know what the other is laughing about! Sometimes I know he is looking at me, but I pay him no interest! He text messages me to see if I'll be going out. I don't tell him where exactly I am going, but he figures out where and we both end up at the same club. If he knows I am out and he is not at the same place, he texts me and wishes me a good night. Genuinely seems to care about me.


Yes, I totally accept the friends thing. However, lately his attitude towards me has changed. He is really nice to me. Genuine. Tries to get me alone to hang out together, hints for his friends to 'get lost' basically. A few questions for the guys: 1/ what is this guy all about? 2/ Do guys only want to be 'friends' with girls they find attractive? 3/ Would you try to hang about with a girl on a one to one basis if you fancied her? 4/ Do you have a lot of girl friends, if not why not? 5/ why would you tell a girl you wanted to be friends with her, but spend lots of time with her alone?


I am really stuck. Does he want friendship (I am sure he does), but from what I have said what do you think? Don't tell me to get rid of him because I like him and genuinely do want to be friends. HELP!

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Okay. I would move on, but... HE keeps calling me, more so now than ever, couple of times a day some days. A guy calls YOU if he is interested? We talk about lots of stuff, just about everything. Talk about personal stuff. Really getting to know each other. Make each other laugh. HE approaches me to talk when we are out with other people. We can just look at each other, smile and know what the other is laughing about! Sometimes I know he is looking at me, but I pay him no interest! He text messages me to see if I'll be going out. I don't tell him where exactly I am going, but he figures out where and we both end up at the same club. If he knows I am out and he is not at the same place, he texts me and wishes me a good night. Genuinely seems to care about me.


Yes, I totally accept the friends thing. However, lately his attitude towards me has changed. He is really nice to me. Genuine. Tries to get me alone to hang out together, hints for his friends to 'get lost' basically. A few questions for the guys: 1/ what is this guy all about? 2/ Do guys only want to be 'friends' with girls they find attractive? 3/ Would you try to hang about with a girl on a one to one basis if you fancied her? 4/ Do you have a lot of girl friends, if not why not? 5/ why would you tell a girl you wanted to be friends with her, but spend lots of time with her alone?


I am really stuck. Does he want friendship (I am sure he does), but from what I have said what do you think? Don't tell me to get rid of him because I like him and genuinely do want to be friends. HELP!


i got burnt and gutted with a woman who was doing the exact same things u r talking about... she literally chased me "after" refusing to go out with me!! i never gave in.... emails, phone calls, text messages kept pouring in but i didn't respond!!!!!!! i am still on NC now..


i can only ask u to be wary of this guy...

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