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ok i am doing an update and asking a question.


i needed help with a problem that i had back in sep. i was dating a guy named daniel and cheated on him with his friend named garrett, and got caught. i decided i wanted to be with garrett and couldn't figure out how to tell daniel and let him down easy. (see the thread: a friend turned into a love, for more info.)


i told daniel that i wanted to be with garrett and daniel freaked out and went into a nervous breakdown, some of the other viewers on here suggested that i let daniel do his own thing and not let it effect me decision. (like stay with him because i felt guilty.)


ok, its now nov. and i'm still with garrett.... and daniel seemed ok with all of it up to about a day or two ago. i was playing a game on the computer and daniel came home from work early, (before garrett got home), and he sat down next to me. i thought it was nothing because he hadn't tryed anything since his last breakdown in sept.. he put his hand on my lap and said i want to tell you something. he said he still loved me and will always love me. i kind of just brushed it off and then he tryed to kiss me. that was (in my oppinon,) unnecisary *how ever you spell it*...i just looked away and started playing my game again, before he could get to my lips.


what do i do? i want to stay with garrett and i love being with him. do i sit down with daniel and talk to him about it or no?



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You do know that their friendship is doomed, right?


Why in the world are all three of you still living together? For that matter, why would you be stupid enough to get with the other guy WHILE you were still living together? That's a recipe for disaster. Way to let the ex heal. Ever hear of a cooling down period? It sounds like you just cheated on this guy you were with for 3 years and also engaged to... and then immediately afterwards, started dating his friend who you also live with. Come on now.


Am I missing something here? Think that might have been a bad idea? I mean...the concept of living with a once long term girlfriend and getting to hear her and your friend banging at night...that seems to be something that would be slightly hurtful. Certainly doesn't do much to that whole "we'll still be friends" mess.


"Any two men who desire the same thing, which they cannot both mutually enjoy, will envitably become rivals."



(Ain't love grand?)

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