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Husband is depressed

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I don't know what to do with him. He is low energy, passive, and hardly ever wants to have sex. It seems to have gotten worse in the past year since he broke his ankle. He is completely recovered, but never wants to get up and do anything. All he ever seems to want to do is play games on his computer.


If I try to talk to him about it, he gets silent. Any ideas?

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Get him a membership to a gym or get him to do some running with you. Your hubby needs to get his butt away from the computer and get out for some heavy duty aerobic exercise.


Let him build up his activity level gradually over two or three weeks. I promise after the first few days, he will begin to feel better. After a month of exercise he will feel like a new man.


Getting him on an active exercise program is the ONLY solution to your problem. Of course, make sure he eats properly. Don't be serving him lots of junk food, sweets, etc. On his next visit to his doctor, have him get his blood tested for iron level, albumen (sugar), etc. to be sure he doesn't have diabetes or hypoglycemia...which can cause fatigue.


My bet is he is simply way out of shape, which happens to a lot of us if we don't get away from our computer and move around.


Also, let him know he will extend his life and reduce his chances of serious heart, lung and other disease by getting on an active exercise program.


If he refuses your invitation, go find a husband who thinks more about himself and more about YOU!!!

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Forgot to tell you, exercise also releases important chemicals inside the brain that reduce or eliminate symptoms of depression.


Also, make sure he doesn't have a lot of work, family or other stresses that may be weighing heavily on his mind.

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Tony, thank you for your excellent response. I agree with everything that you have said, and for years, we have been members of a gym. I go; he doesn't.


We split the price the of dual membership, and I have offered to pay his membership if he would just go three times a week. but he doesn't.


We used to go on hikes sometimes, but after he broke his ankle, he hasn't felt up to it.


I don't know how to motivate him any more than I already do. I have suggested to him that he see a psychiatrist for depression (which I do - successfully with miedication). Today, he says he will do it tomorrow. Well, he says that he "guesses" he will.


I am so frustrated. :(

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Your husband obviously doesn't understand that he won't live forever and that every moment of life needs to count. It won't take him a lot of energy to have you drive him to the doctor to get on some anti-depressants.


For your information, the electromagnetic radiation and light frequencies emmitted from computer screens has been shown in research to cause and worsen depression in some people. It is very possible that the more time he spends in front of his computer screen, the more depressed he could become.


Researchers have actually found a link between the light frequencies that enter the eye and depression. Ask your doctor about this.


Do whatever you can do, including having a cleric or other person talk to your husband, to get him help. He'll feel a lot better in just a short time.

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