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She's pulled away !


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I recently reconnected with a girl that I really like. we went on a date last week and it was great I stayed at hers for 2 nights. my ex gf has sabotaged this because she still wants me. She rang her slating me to the girl and the girl said she can’t be assed to be involved with the drama and has pulled away. She had a high interest level in me. I had a thing with her last year and I reached out to her because I still think about her to this day. Her texts have got shorter and and takes longer to reply. She hasn’t blocked me and also still watch’s my story’s on Snapchat. I’ve pulled back atm. she responded to a message I sent and havent sent her message in a few days because I don’t want to chase and come off as needy now. Any advice how I can salvage this ?

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If she's genuinely no longer interested, there may be little you can do. IF that's the case, then walking away and looking for someone else is probably the best thing.

If you do this, she might come back to you of her own accord, but this is a LOW probability, perhaps on the order of 2%, so don't count on it. You're better off simply looking elsewhere in the meantime, rather than being an "orbiter" and hanging your hopes on her returning.

The other way to go is to give her "breathing room" for a few weeks, and then come back and see if she is ready/interested. Timing is tricky on this as you want to give her space, but not too long so she thinks you've lost interest (or loses interest herself). This has a low probability of working, but might. If you try this and she says no, then just drop it/walk away.

Perhaps I'm wrong, but I get the impression you're young. There can be a lot of "churn" with younger folks in relationships as people are trying out approaches to finding lovers, have a greater tendency to be impulsive, etc. If I'm right, remember that life's a marathon not a sprint and there's a good chance anyone you date now, no matter how wonderful/important they may seem in the moment, will VERY likely just be "some cool person you dated for a while" in 15 years when you're settled down and looking back on things.

Edited by mark clemson
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Well, hold on. Did you have an affair and cheat with this “new” person while in a relationship with your ex?  I’m referring to the thing you had with her last year. 

It sounds like there’s some history here and she’s fed up or turned off and some may argue for good reason. 

Your ex sounds unusually angry and resentful which would be in line with cheating or an affair. There are no boundaries in your previous relationship or relationships with women. I’d try and figure out why this is, what you can do to change that.



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Why hadn't you blocked your ex from contacting you before all this went down?

How did she even know where you were and who you were with?

To be honest, I wouldn't want to be involved in all that drama either.


Edited by JTSW
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18 hours ago, Jaydee1992 said:

 She rang her slating me to the girl 

How does your ex GF know this woman's contact info?

It would be best to delete and block your ex GF and all her people from ALL your social media and messaging apps.

Make sure your social media is private and doesn't contain too much personal information.

You'll have to sever all ties and make a clean break before you start dating again.

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