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Long Distance…Should I Continue?

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When there is a mismatch between words and actions, pay attention to the actions.

Words are easy to say… they sound nice and we want to believe. I have no doubt that he misses you, it does not mean that he is prepared to disregard his culture and familial obligation. His  actions reveal his intention. If you decide to stay involved, pay close attention to his actions and don’t allow yourself to be distracted by the words…

Edited by BaileyB
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26 minutes ago, Luna13 said:

So we took some time to give each other space. I messaged him today saying, “Hi. I miss talking to you.” He replied with, “Hi. Trust me I know the feeling.” I might be having a really dense moment, but what does that mean?

It's a vague and neutral message.  You reached out with a heartfelt and caring message and he replied with something weak that isn't actually saying anything.  He simply does not sound very interested in you.  Stop wasting your time with this.

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3 hours ago, Luna13 said:

So we took some time to give each other space. I messaged him today saying, “Hi. I miss talking to you.” He replied with, “Hi. Trust me I know the feeling.” I might be having a really dense moment, but what does that mean?

It means that he misses talking to you.  Nothing more, nothing less

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This combined with your other thread about him make it very clear that there is just no future here. 

You need to let go of this guy, Luna. He isn't into you the way you are into him, but doesn't quite have the courage to be honest and hurt your feelings. 

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7 hours ago, Luna13 said:

. I messaged him today saying, “Hi. I miss talking to you.” He replied with, “Hi. Trust me I know the feeling.” 

Unfortunately he seems to be pulling away. He's already mentioned he's not interested in a long distance relationship.

The best way to assess things is to stop initiating and see if he steps up. 

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8 hours ago, Luna13 said:

So we took some time to give each other space. I messaged him today saying, “Hi. I miss talking to you.” He replied with, “Hi. Trust me I know the feeling.” I might be having a really dense moment, but what does that mean?

It doesn't mean as much as you think it does.

He misses talking to you.

That's it.

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