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Can't stop thinking about ex

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Long story short, my ex- husband and I started dating in Jr High School at 14 years old. We had 2 children together and were married by the age of 20. He got himself into some serious trouble about a year after we married and went to prison for many years. I was heart broken. I filed for divorce, and that was the end of it. Our 2 children are now adults. They know of him, have spoken to him briefly a few times through the years but want nothing to do with him. Our youngest child just had a baby of his own a few months ago. Now all of the sudden, I cannot stop thinking of my ex husband. I moved on with my life long ago but why cant I stop thinking of my ex now? 

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1 hour ago, tyla2 said:

 Our youngest child just had a baby of his own a few months ago. 

Sorry this happened. A new addition to the family can bring up all sorts of mixed feelings. Focus on your children and grandchildren. Leave the past in the past.

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13 hours ago, tyla2 said:

why cant I stop thinking of my ex now? 

Because he's the father of your children and grandfather to the new baby.

You're thinking about him as he has become a new grandparent the same as you.

But he doesn't know.

What is his situation these days?

Will you tell him about his grandchild?

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