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uggggggggggh what do u think

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wow i havent been here in a while. i miss u all!!


ok here goes got a new one for ya -


met a guy, his name is j. he was here playing poker the other nite (halloween) works w my roommate - thought he was damn fine. he talked to me, really nice and all that good stuff.


so roommate tells him at work next nite - im bringin my roommate to poker at ur house tonite - he says oh girl with dark hair, cool. then (bc i guess we are in middle school again) pulls him aside and says, "i have a secret, shed kill me if she knew i told u this but uh, my roommate sweats u bad" to which HE said, "awww really? :) definitely bring her tonite, the dark haired girl, right??"


long story short - i was shy as hell. didnt say much that nite he was all about me, getting me beers, so polite, sat next to me, got me a sweatshirt bc i was cold, took me to the store with him, talked to me etc. definitely leaning on each other as we got drunk. definitelyt felt like an ass bc i was supposed to be out of th eloop. i kept catching j and my roomie looking at each other with big smiles then looking at me. and of course i had to play dumb. sounds childish, eh? then at 4 am it was time to go gave him a hug bye and he said, "i expect to get htat sweater back in a few days when is ee ya..." so i gave it back and he wa slike ar eu sure, are u warm enough? then it was awkward so i was lik eok bye.


yeah well thats it. i called him yesterday and left a message to let him know we werent havin any cards at my house etc and his friend called us that nite to have us come over to play but i was asleep. roommate called him tonite to invite him here but no answer/no call back to either of us.


what do i think? not worry, give up...do u think hes interested? or was just being nice?



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