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need some advice

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what does it mean???


ex-boyfriend (since one month ex-bf)


wants to talk about his 3weeks new girlfriend with me.


he wants to tell me, how great his weekened was or ....


why does he have a need to talk about her with me???


should i've to say, that i don't want to talk about her,


or should i listen????


i really don't understand that........

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Your ex boyfriend has got a lot of nerve. He is gone, past, out of your life. You tell him if he wants to talk to somebody about his girlfriend, he should call a professional counsellor or therapist.


Let him know very clearly you are not available to talk to him about his girlfriend or any other aspect of his life at this time.


The guy's got a lot of nerve. Be happy you got rid of him.


To answer your question directly, NO you should not listen. You should not even be talking to your ex. You have got to move forward with your life.


He really thought a lot of you, obviously, finding another girlfriend one week after leaving you. What a piece of work he is.

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Hi Tony, i just want to know....


what kind of need is that???


he wants me to walk after him, or he wants to show me


how importatnt he is???


Don't u think, if his Relationship is perfect,


i don't think he wants to talk about it with me.


i think, he plays a dirty game to get me back???


don't u think so?????

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There is no way to know exactly what he wants. I am not a mind reader or a psychic. If you want to know, if your curiosity will absolutely kill you or render you useless for all times, ask him exactly what he wants to discuss.


But you are going to have to get used to the fact that he is your EX. He is no longer in your life. You shouldn't be talking to him.


Now, if you have nothing better to do...go talk to him, for entertainment purposes. Your first post indicated he said he wanted to talk to you about how great things are going with his new girl. That's pretty damned sick. Maybe I misunderstood your post.


My recommendation is that you be through with this guy and have nothing to do with him. There is NO REASON TO TALK if he has a girlfriend. You don't need to be the one giving him advice about his current and future relationships.


Now, if he was broken up with her and you actually wanted to get back with him, as sick as that would be, I'd say go for it.


But, let me repeat. If this guy was able to go out and find another girlfriend a week after you broke up with him, he was either cheating on you for a while, has serious psychological problems, or thought very little of his relationship with you.


If I were you, there is no way in hell I would ever want to see this dude again. But if you want some entertainment, or if you just want to be mean and nasty to YOURSELF, go talk to him.


It sounds like your curiosity won't be satisfied unless you talk to him. That's really too bad. You've got to learn to be a bit tougher than that.


As far as speculating on what a crazy person might want to discuss with his ex girlfriend, I wouldn't be able to do that because I really don't consider myself crazy. Maybe you should go to a crazy people's forum to get that kind of speculation.

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Hi Tony


thanks for your replay, u know i'm not interested to talk


with him about his girlfriend, believe me.


i just want to experience, what it means, if the ex wants to talk to you about his new. What does it mean??? that is the only thing what i want to know.


If i want i could have talk to him, but i didn't, so.


i just write, if somebody has experience with that, and just want to know what it means.


i mean ..


Does he wants to make me jealous so i can go back to him,


or he really wants to talk about her with me......i just want to know your experience. please what do u think??


but believe me, i have no interest to talk with him.

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