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Is there a reason behind this ?

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Sarah belle

Why would a man continue to entertain a woman who declined 3 of his dates months ago, when he does try to hit her up she takes 8-19 hours to reply back to his text, and has left him on read countless of times. Yet still checks up on her every once in a while to see how she’s doing?

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Who knows?   

Could be hot for her.  Could have nothing better to do.  Could be desperate.  Could have no commonsense. 

Are you the woman in question?

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Sarah belle
27 minutes ago, basil67 said:

Who knows?   

Could be hot for her.  Could have nothing better to do.  Could be desperate.  Could have no commonsense. 

Are you the woman in question?

Yes I am 

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You're clearly not interested in him, so why haven't you blocked him?   

Edited by basil67
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Why do you care?  Obviously you're not interested in the guy.  Why not just stop texting with him altogether?  Let him find someone who might be into him.

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46 minutes ago, Sarah belle said:

 she takes 8-19 hours to reply back to his text, and has left him on read countless of times. 

Have you ever dated him? Are you interested in him?

Do you find it stalkerish or creepy? As long as you keep replying, he'll keep contacting you. 

He seems a bit off. It may be best to delete and block him from all your social media and messaging apps. 

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1 hour ago, Sarah belle said:

Why would a man continue to entertain a woman who declined 3 of his dates months ago, when he does try to hit her up she takes 8-19 hours to reply back to his text, and has left him on read countless of times. Yet still checks up on her every once in a while to see how she’s doing?

Why don't you answer questions asked by forum members if you want help?

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Sarah belle
22 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Have you ever dated him? Are you interested in him?

Do you find it stalkerish or creepy? As long as you keep replying, he'll keep contacting you. 

He seems a bit off. It may be best to delete and block him from all your social media and messaging apps. 

Nope I never went on a date with him despite him asking me three times. It’s not that I didn’t want to, my schedule was just all over the place so that’s why I declined. 

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Sarah belle
25 minutes ago, NuevoYorko said:

Why do you care?  Obviously you're not interested in the guy.  Why not just stop texting with him altogether?  Let him find someone who might be into him.

I care because I’m curious??? To know why he still keeps in contact? 

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4 minutes ago, Sarah belle said:

I care because I’m curious??? To know why he still keeps in contact? 

Why haven't you asked him  "I'm curious, why do you continue to ask me out when I've rejected you 3 times?"  then tell him, "I'm not interested in dating you".  If that's too much for you just block him so he can't reach you.

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It's fascinating how my exes still keep tabs on me even after all these years, but honestly, it's not something that occupies much of my mind. I believe it's important to stay focused on the present and not let such things consume my thoughts.

You keep posting the same question every few months.

While it's intriguing why certain individuals may still keep tabs on you after a considerable amount of time, it's not a matter that should take up too much of your attention. Instead, I suggest directing your energy towards the many positive aspects of life that are waiting for you to explore.

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Look, lots of people are lonely and isolated or lack friends or lack confidence and lack dating experience. They often continue to approach someone even after they've gotten loud no-interest signals, because they have trouble reading signals. That's the usual reason. Every time I made calls to a woman who had no interest it was because I was at the time clueless that her lack of response mean no interest. 

And if I understand you, you declined his date requests based on your schedule. Well that's not a "no" unless you have a lot of dating experience. 

So this guy might benefit from a "I'm sorry. I know it's hard to approach someone and to get turned down. You seem good. But I'm not interesting in dating you or spending time with you." 

Now, you send him that kind of message, then he's more likely to move on. 

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21 minutes ago, Sarah belle said:

Nope I never went on a date with him despite him asking me three times. It’s not that I didn’t want to, my schedule was just all over the place so that’s why I declined. 

So does this mean you are interested in dating him?  If so, did you tell him about your schedule and suggest another date and time?

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4 hours ago, Sarah belle said:

Why would a man continue to entertain a woman who declined 3 of his dates months ago, when he does try to hit her up she takes 8-19 hours to reply back to his text, and has left him on read countless of times. Yet still checks up on her every once in a while to see how she’s doing?

Who knows? I've asked the same question myself quite a few times. Could be any of these, in no particular order:

  • He doesn't quite understand that a woman is not interested in him. He is not good with interpreting signs and  signals that a woman is not interested.  Perhaps if she said NO to him instead of entertaining him from time to time,  the message would be more clearer. 
  • He thinks that she is the ideal woman in his mind. 
  • The more times the woman sways No, the harder he tries to chase her. 
  • He doesn't take No for the answer.
  • She replies from time to time so he thinks that he may have a chance with her. 
  • She never blocked him so he may think that there still might be a chance.
  • He is out of other options at the moment. 
  • He is on a rebound. 
  • This woman is the only one who talks to him, albeit infrequently. 
  • He wants to take her out and/or to sleep with her just to prove some point (whatever that might be).
  • He is looking for a booty call and is messaging everybody who is in his in his little black book (or in his phone). This woman just happens to be one for the many others.

The list could go on and on. 

2 hours ago, Sarah belle said:

It’s not that I didn’t want to, my schedule was just all over the place so that’s why I declined. 

Too busy equals lack of interest. What is one of your favorite actors or musicians asked you out? What about if a super hot guy messaged you on a dating site? Would you still decline three times to see him? Or could you suddenly find some time to squeeze a guy that you you really really really like? Was there not even a 20 minutes free time in your schedule where you were able to meet him for a cup of coffee? 

Edited by Alvi
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Why don’t you ask him? We can speculate but it won’t be coming from him. 

People keep in contact without much rhyme or reason. You could be the contact who responds more than others. Most people if not all others may be ignoring him - more than you! As in zero response 100% of the time.

Edited by glows
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7 hours ago, Sarah belle said:

I care because I’m curious??? To know why he still keeps in contact? 

Because you're still replying for whatever reason, but just using delay and ignore tactics so he "takes the hint". If you're not interested, delete and block him. That saves both you and him wasted time and energy.

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Ask him. 

If you aren't interested, block him. You must enjoy the attention, though, since you keep the line of communication open. 

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12 hours ago, Sarah belle said:

I care because I’m curious??? To know why he still keeps in contact? 

Because you keep responding to his texts.

And I think you actually like that he texts you.

If it bothered you that much you would have blocked him a long time ago.

But you haven't, and still reply.

This is why he keeps in contact.

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Sarah belle
6 hours ago, ExpatInItaly said:

Ask him. 

If you aren't interested, block him. You must enjoy the attention, though, since you keep the line of communication open. 

Blocking someone is the extreme. If they aren’t harassing me, or being disrespectful then blocking them is a lot. 

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6 minutes ago, Sarah belle said:

Blocking someone is the extreme. If they aren’t harassing me, or being disrespectful then blocking them is a lot. 

Ok. You could just stop responding and see if he fades away.

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10 minutes ago, Sarah belle said:

Blocking someone is the extreme. If they aren’t harassing me, or being disrespectful then blocking them is a lot. 

Not really.

It's standard if someone is continually texting when you don't want them to.

Be honest, do you like that he texts you?

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Why keep asking the same question if you're not going to listen? You're just wasting space and time here.

Edited by Alpacalia
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2 hours ago, Sarah belle said:

Blocking someone is the extreme. If they aren’t harassing me, or being disrespectful then blocking them is a lot. 

Okay if you don't want to block stop answering him back.  If you stop answering he'll stop contacting you.  Why haven't you at least done that by now?

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Sarah belle
11 minutes ago, stillafool said:

Okay if you don't want to block stop answering him back.  If you stop answering he'll stop contacting you.  Why haven't you at least done that by now?

There’s been times where I have. I mean I don’t mind it ? He’s a cool guy just not interested in that way

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4 minutes ago, Sarah belle said:

There’s been times where I have. I mean I don’t mind it ? He’s a cool guy just not interested in that way

Okay if you're not interested in him "in that way" but knowing he feels that way about you, be fair and stop contact with him.  If you want to go out with him but he asks you at an time that is inconveinient for you, tell him when you're free and can see him.  Otherwise let him know you aren't interested and to please stop contact.  How would you like it if a guy treated you the way you''re treating him?

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