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Resume problems

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I had a phone interview today with a place to be a guest services representative at a retreat house.  The interviewer said something odd to me - he recommended that I trim pages on my resume.  My resume is 14 pages long, broken down by specific experiences (residential, substitute teaching, etc.), he said he had never seen one so long.  So I trimmed it down a bit (I eliminated my previous career which was not relevant, but kept personal things such as serving on committees and boards in the community).  Did I blow my chances with this? 



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Not sure if you “blew your chances”, but technically speaking a résumé shouldn’t be more than one or two pages. Trim everything that’s not relevant to the position. I am in recruiting, and I’ve never seen a 14 page résumé. Ever!


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You should not include every job on your resume. Age discrimination is still a problem, so jobs older than 10 years should be omitted. Include only work experience that is relevant to the position you are applying for and leave out experience that is not directly related.


Edited by Alpacalia
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6 hours ago, mortensorchid said:

 - he recommended that I trim pages on my resume.  My resume is 14 pages long, 

He gave you some great feedback. Hopefully you'll get the position.

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Your resume is 14 pages long??  I've never heard of such a thing.  I'm sorry but that is crazy.  You definitely need to edit that down.  A resume should normally be no more than two pages.  You are definitely losing out on job opportunities with this resume because a lot of people will take one look at your bizarrely long resume and just think that it's unprofessional or weird.

I've had kind of a lot of jobs in my life, but my resume is two pages.  I don't list every single job I've ever had in my life on there.

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