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Trying to get over ex

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Sad Football Player

OK, so my ex-girlfriend and i were together for about 2 years until we got back to school this year, our second year of college. We got to different schools that are about an hour away. After her first weekend, I had a football game in Indianapolis, she did not talk to me and decided that we needed time off because of the distance. She proceeded to come down later that week and tell me that she was an idiot and wanted to get back together. Of course, I did without even thinking. Since then we have been on and off with her ignoring me sometimes then coming back and saying that she's sorry. After a mutual friend of ours gave me some information, I questioned her fidelity and she admitted that she had been cheating on me.


I feel terrible now and she decided today that she is going to go to this other guys' hometown instead of coming to my last game. She insists that they are just friends who made some bad decisions when they were drunk. I obviously don't believe her. So after all that, how do you get over someone you have cared so much about and done anything for for so long? I mean it was just so sudden and I feel horrible. I know I should go out and try to move on but I just feel like ****. I am so jealous and sad, I don't care about going out and partying and having a good time. Any input would be appreciated.

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