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psycho dog staying with me and i'm scare!

angel eyes

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angel eyes

my brother and his wife have this female 2.5yr old poddle who is quite nice, my bother and his wife moved to hawaii but they couldn't take the dog with them until they have housing so the dog is staying with us for a few months.


yesterday as i was leaving with my boyfriend she wanted to go with us but i told her no so when my mom closed the door ,the dog jumped on top of her and bit my mom on the hand and arm. we are alarmed cause this has never happened with any other dogs.


Also,the other day she went into my room and pee when i told her to get out she wanted to bite me and i got scared so now she bits my mom cause she didn't let her go with me. does anybody knows something i can do about it? i can't reach my brother cause he doesn't have a number right now.


i'm afraid that she will continue to attack if we don't do what she wants us to do.

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I wouldn't take any crap from some two bit spoiled poodle. The next time it bites, bite it back and bite it hard. This dog needs to know what it feels like to get bitten.


The next time it pees on the carpet, take it somewhere private and pee on it. The dog needs to know just what it feels like to get pissed on.


The animal sounds like it is possessed by demons. Maybe a priest could perform an exorcism to get all the devils out.


But don't ever be controlled by an animal. I am an animal lover myself but if some dog bit me, that would be the last time it ever bit anything. I would kick its butt.


Get a rolled up newspaper and swat it good when it misbehaves. This dog is the pits.


Maybe you should put it in a package and ship it off to your brother early and let them deal with the problem.


Now, there is always the possiblity it has serious psychological issues. I used to have a girlfriend who claimed she loved me but at the same time she would bite the hell out of my neck. I told her to stop and she didn't...so I started swatting her with a rolled up newspaper and that finally handled the problem.


Good luck to you.

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seriously guys......


you may want to put the pooch in a kennel in your home..


a plastic one big enough for her to lay down in and have some room, yet not too big that she will pee in there too.


i know i just did this to my dog, see post below...oh never mind you can't i deleted them. anyway, that is worth a try, then let her out when you have the time to play with her and take her for a nice long walk especially after being in a kennel for a while.


you have to try to think how the dog feels too, it's life has also been turned upside down, it's master's have left and she is with strangers in a strange house.


even if she knows you it is still stressful for her too, maybe that is the only way she can expresses herself, good luck!

oh boy...that was a good laugh... :)
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Hahahaha. I'm soo sorry. I'm not trying to be rude but the mental pictures that have popped up in my mind as a result of your descriptions are hilarious. Hahahaha.


Send the dog to a kennel until you can reach your brother. And tell him he will be footing the bill.

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Maybe the dog is anxious about being away from it's family??? I agree that you should buy a kennel and put the dog in it when you can't spend time with her. Don't let the dog bite you again, it will believe it has more power than you do...the whole alpha male thing.I'm not sure about biting the dog back though, they are too hairy! ( plus I wouldn't want a dog that bites that close to my face!)

seriously guys...... you may want to put the pooch in a kennel in your home.. a plastic one big enough for her to lay down in and have some room, yet not too big that she will pee in there too. i know i just did this to my dog, see post below...oh never mind you can't i deleted them. anyway, that is worth a try, then let her out when you have the time to play with her and take her for a nice long walk especially after being in a kennel for a while. you have to try to think how the dog feels too, it's life has also been turned upside down, it's master's have left and she is with strangers in a strange house. even if she knows you it is still stressful for her too, maybe that is the only way she can expresses herself, good luck!
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