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What can I do to get him back?

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27 minutes ago, Jessicat98 said:

I’m trying to say is he will want the mark taken off his file and his bonus as he us innocent.

And this is why you need to speak to your boss immediately.   The longer you take to try and fix this, the worse it looks for you

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3 hours ago, Jessicat98 said:

I’m trying to say is he will want the mark taken off his file and his bonus as he us innocent.

Since you're the cause of him losing his bonus why don't you pay it to him?  If he doesn't stay away from you he could lose his job.  He sees you as dangerous and I don't blame him., so leave him alone.   Forget about trying to get him back, that ship has sailed and so far out to sea it is no longer visible.

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There is absolutely no way he will ever speak to you again.

And to be honest I wouldn't blame him. 

You did the worst things anyone could ever do to a person and you ask how you can get him back?

You wont. Ever!

He will never want anything to do with you again.

You keep giving reasons why you can't speak to his boss but I think you just don't want to.

You just don't have it in you to do something right.

Personally, I've having a hard time believing any of this as so much of it doesn't make any sense.

Surely it's fake.


Edited by JTSW
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2 minutes ago, JTSW said:

There is absolutely no way he will ever speak to you again.

And to be honest I wouldn't blame him. 

You did the worst things anyone could ever do to a person and you ask how you can get him back?

You wont. Ever!

He will never want anything to do with you again.

You keep giving reasons why you can't speak to his boss but I think you just don't want to.

You just don't have it in you to do something right.

Personally, I've having a hard time believing any of this as so much of it doesn't make any sense.

Surely it's fake.


No it’s the truth I am not trolling!

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13 minutes ago, Jessicat98 said:

No it’s the truth I am not trolling!

I'm just having a hard time believing someone can be this cruel and nasty to someone who did everything for you.

If this is real then do as others have suggested.

Talk to his boss and put it right.

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2 hours ago, JTSW said:

I'm just having a hard time believing someone can be this cruel and nasty to someone who did everything for you.

If this is real then do as others have suggested.

Talk to his boss and put it right.

People from work (who I thought were friends) are gossiping yet my colleague won’t talk he is private. I couldn’t face him as I let him down over Xmas.

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1 minute ago, Jessicat98 said:

People from work (who I thought were friends) are gossiping yet my colleague won’t talk he is private. I couldn’t face him as I let him down over Xmas.

You've done allot more than let him down.

You have tried to destroy him.

Why exactly?

And I didn't say try and talk to him, because its clear he will never talk to you again.

I, and others have told you to talk to his boss and put things right.

Tell him that you lied and deliberately caused trouble for no reason.

You owe him that.

You owe him allot.

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2 hours ago, JTSW said:

You've done allot more than let him down.

You have tried to destroy him.

Why exactly?

And I didn't say try and talk to him, because its clear he will never talk to you again.

I, and others have told you to talk to his boss and put things right.

Tell him that you lied and deliberately caused trouble for no reason.

You owe him that.

You owe him allot.

He was the only person who came to see me when I had to stay in hospital over night. I owe him and will tell his boss. I will do anything to get him back talking again. I’ve lost a decent guy.

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2 hours ago, Jessicat98 said:

He was the only person who came to see me when I had to stay in hospital over night. I owe him and will tell his boss. I will do anything to get him back talking again. I’ve lost a decent guy.

We know you've said this before many times in this thread.  All we want to hear is that you will tell his boss you lied on him. Whether he gets a bonus or not is irrelevent at this point, the main issue is to clear his name.  Don't tell his boss the truth so you can get him back, that's definitely not going to happen.  Tell his boss the truth because it's the right thing to do. It's perfectly understandable why you're the point of gossip at your company.  Find another job.  

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2 hours ago, stillafool said:

We know you've said this before many times in this thread.  All we want to hear is that you will tell his boss you lied on him. Whether he gets a bonus or not is irrelevent at this point, the main issue is to clear his name.  Don't tell his boss the truth so you can get him back, that's definitely not going to happen.  Tell his boss the truth because it's the right thing to do. It's perfectly understandable why you're the point of gossip at your company.  Find another job.  

I’m going to tell his boss tomorrow.

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15 hours ago, Jessicat98 said:

People from work (who I thought were friends) are gossiping yet my colleague won’t talk he is private. I couldn’t face him as I let him down over Xmas.

I'm sorry to say this, but your behavior has been terrible.   Your work "friends" are distancing themselves from you as fast as they can now that you've shown what you're all about.    

These were just "work friends," so no great losses.  But keep in mind next time you work very hard to ruin somebody's life that there will be any number of repercussions for you.

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On 4/23/2023 at 11:43 AM, Jessicat98 said:

He won’t speak though and he avoids me at work. 

That sounds like a very wise decision, you’ve treated him terribly. 

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18 hours ago, Jessicat98 said:

I will do anything to get him back talking again. I’ve lost a decent guy.

Yes, you have.

And I'm sorry but after everything you did to him, he will never talk to you again.

Update us on how it went with his boss.

Being honest with his boss is a good start.


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On 4/22/2023 at 5:25 PM, Jessicat98 said:

 I reported him to his boss who told him not to talk to me. So i reported him for not talking to me he just avoids me.

Did you file a sexual harassment case? What exactly, did you "report" him for?

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1 hour ago, Wiseman2 said:

Did you file a sexual harassment case? What exactly, did you "report" him for?

I told his boss this morning he said thanks for informing me. No he didn’t upset or Harass me he is a sweet and good man he is not Pervy. I let him down and was nervous so I thought report him so he won’t talk until he has calmed down. And it’s backfired.

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10 minutes ago, Jessicat98 said:

I told his boss this morning he said thanks for informing me.

I'm glad you did the right thing.

I hope it helps him regain what he lost through your actions.

Unfortunately you will never regain any friendship with him.

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45 minutes ago, Jessicat98 said:

 so I thought report him so he won’t talk until he has calmed down. And it’s backfired.

What, exactly, was your "report"? And what was he supposedly reprimanded for? You can't "report" someone at work for avoiding you.

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1 hour ago, Wiseman2 said:

What, exactly, was your "report"? And what was he supposedly reprimanded for? You can't "report" someone at work for avoiding you.

People were gossiping about me at work I told his boss it was him (When I know it wasn’t) that’s the excuse I used. People I thought were my friends were gossiping. It wasn’t my friend/colleague gossiping. He warned me people are gossiping I didn’t believe him. Now I realise he was warning me.

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18 hours ago, Jessicat98 said:

I’m going to tell his boss tomorrow.

Did you tell his boss that you lied on him this morning as you said you were going to do above?

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42 minutes ago, stillafool said:

Did you tell his boss that you lied on him this morning as you said you were going to do above?

Yes I admitted it to his boss.

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11 hours ago, basil67 said:

And what is the outcome?

All his boss says is he will chat with him. I don’t know as my colleague/friend won’t say to anyone. He caught me talking about him to colleagues in the canteen. One is known as the company gossip.

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1 minute ago, Jessicat98 said:

All his boss says is he will chat with him. I don’t know as my colleague/friend won’t say.

That's all you need to know. Leave this man alone and just go to work and do your job. Please stop making false reports about people at work. You could get a reputation as a troublemaker or eventually get fired.

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4 minutes ago, Jessicat98 said:

He caught me talking about him to colleagues in the canteen. One is known as the company gossip.

Was this after you spoke with his boss?

If so, you have just proven that you will never change.

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