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i just got out of a relationship with my first real boyfriend. he's kind of going crazy, telling me we should be together and that we love each other. he was my first love...we were together for three years but i feel like we are still young and i am confused about my feelings towards him.

anyway, there's this other guy that i am totally in love with..he is so ****ing cool. problem is that he is just getting out of a relationship with a crazy girl, and he says he's not ready to date yet.


what does this mean? should i keep trying? is he trying to let me down gently? i feel so rejected and confused.

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he wont be ready to date until he is over his ex, how old are you? justttt wondering:)...



how can you love two guys? is that possible...man i wish i could love two boys:)

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we are both 20, but the other boy is turning 19 in a little while.


the thing is, his ex was crazy and they didn't really have a long relationship either. i am just confused about my ex -- he keeps saying we should be together, but i don't know.

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I would take a break from both of them.


Believe boy # 2 when he says he's getting over his ex and isnt ready.


Boy # 1 wants you back and you dont. So dont go there.


Take a break asap from both boys.

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I just got this email from guy #2...should i just not try anymore? it doens't seem like he's interested in me as other than a friend...


"I didn't want you to think that I was ignoring you or something. I called tonight, but no one picked up so I left a message. I did want to talk to you the other day but when you caught me wasn't the greatest timing. I for sure do want to hang out with you some more and get to know you better. But like you said yourself (and thank you for understanding) I'm a little battered right now, because I was really badly hurt and I can't even begin to really wrap my head around the concept of dating anyone or getting into a relationship. So if it's cool with you, I'd like to just be your friend and get to know you as a person. Give me a call back when you've got a chance."

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#2 sounds like an extremely intelligent and level headed man who is doing the BEST and most RIGHT thing and thats to clear his head before he goes into another relationship.

Trust me on this one, the pain in terrible when they dont clean out their closet of old loves because YOU end up getting hurt when they waffle back and forth....


Right on # 2 ! :)

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Again I agree with Mary.


I think this guy is interested in you, but knows full well he wont be able to give you what you want in a relationship while he is still getting over his ex.


Maybe in the back of his mind there is still hope of getting back with her. Does he still talk to his ex? How is the situation between them?

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