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What to Think or Do?

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I was marrried (1/1/2 years) to someone I thought I'd be with for the rest of my life. We were both married previously. One evening I confronted him with the fact that my name was not joined with him on anything such as house, cars, etc. But meanwhile, I work and use my money to pay for things. My name is only on a second mortgage debt, and not on the deed. With this, I decided to take the money I make and start putting it into my own account. This did not go over well. He said this is not working and wanted me to move out. Within a month and a half I moved out. Divorce papers have been served. Despite the shock, etc. I still love him. People that know us can not believe this. But they also tell me they think he will not try to reconcile. I am trying to accept this. Have any suggestions.

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