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I am falling for my married dentist - please help!

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Its my birthday today. And Mr Dentist send a lovely text this morning saying "Happy Birthday, chin up, keep smiling, thinking of u on your special day"


Well if he wants to get his rocks off a little more, i am here for him, ready and willing.


Mandy has ignored ALL advice given to her, has not consider ANY of the negative outcomes of this situation and I'm figuring now this post is pure Bullcrap and she is just fcking with us now. Or she's incredibly messed up in the head by allowing it all to happen.

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whichwayisup - I am not going to let anything "happen" for starters he is coming to my place and my parents will both be home.

He is friendly with my Mum & Dad so he is going to want to most probably have a chat with them to......I am not going to make any moves on him as such......just abit of fllirting - eyee contact and maybe a bit of touching. He is a grown man, he knows what he's up for, if he felt uncomfortable he would not have accepted my invite and he certainly wouldnt be sending messages to my mobile phone!!

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Well if he wants to get his rocks off a little more, i am here for him, ready and willing.


Your quote there.


......I am not going to make any moves on him as such......just abit of fllirting - eyee contact and maybe a bit of touching. He is a grown man, he knows what he's up for, if he felt uncomfortable he would not have accepted my invite and he certainly wouldnt be sending messages to my mobile phone!!


YOU still don't get it Mandy! As soon as something physical happens this man can no longer be your dentist. He could LOSE HIS LICENSE as a dentist. DO you understand that?? He cannot treat a patient, become involved and then continue being their dentist. Read up on it.


DO your parents know he is married? I don't understand why they haven't done anything to discourage you from this situation.

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Maybe this situation IS different, and maybe we will fall in love and live happpily ever after, if not i am not worried...


Hmm... Well what do you two have in common..? From what you've said here your conversations all revolve around your dental treatment. You can't seriously think that even if you do have sex with him this is anything more than some kind of fling. It's not based on anything but flirting! (if that's even what he's doing and I'm still not sure about that).


Not all affairs are 'the same' Coco... I am sure that your EA was based on something more than this..?

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I'm guessing this isn't your first MM, Mandy.


Its no use really to use reason. There is no reason or logic in affairs really. This thread shows a deeply manipulative and calculating method of playing 'innocent' and 'victim of love' in order to justify something she knows she ought not to do. I have seen so many "I am helpless to love in this situation" type threads - and in every single one the amount of cold, goal-directed intent shows through (at least to me) from the very beginning.


This thread is a perfect example of the predictable nature of how these threads devolve - not to mention the predictable pattern of affairs and how they get started.


I saw in another thread where you are already referring to this guy as "your MM" and how you two already have a 'deep connection'. This MM has no idea what he is getting into. :lmao:

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Westie, nothing about this is funny.


And Mandy, this


Thanks for your advice Becky. I intend to enjoy my drink with him tomorrow


in response to what Becky said is smugness bragging. You seem to think you're hot shxt because of this. Unfortunately, women who get themselves into these situations thinking they're coming out ahead are just pathetic. It's no compliment that a man wants to screw you.

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Yup, I was wondering why you thought it's bogus. Sounds legit to me. But, whatever..... it's her life.


Well...maybe it IS for real. It's just hard for me to believe that anyone can go into something llike this with their eyes wide open and not really see anything wrong with it.

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Hey fellas, I think LB's right on all counts. Aren't we all taking it too seriously? The girl doesn't need advice, she's on a hunting trip.


I'm not taking this seriously no more.


Just a quick question... how many of you like dental sex?


:lmao: :lmao:

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Hmm... Well what do you two have in common..? From what you've said here your conversations all revolve around your dental treatment. You can't seriously think that even if you do have sex with him this is anything more than some kind of fling. It's not based on anything but flirting! (if that's even what he's doing and I'm still not sure about that).


Not all affairs are 'the same' Coco... I am sure that your EA was based on something more than this..?


I still think they're all the same in certain ways. The details don't matter. No, my friend wasn't my dentist. So what? That's just a detail.

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I agree with EB. What's wrong with making jokes about it now? We're not helping her at all. This has all been a waste of time. She doesn't see that she's doing anything wrong.


Apparently, her values are different from most people's. Most single girls would RUN from a MM. Not Mandy! She runs towards him not away. Why? Because she's single and feels she's not doing anything wrong. We're not going to change her mind that this is wrong on so many levels.


So I see nothing wrong with joking about it. This whole thing is a joke!

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Hey fellas, I think LB's right on all counts. Aren't we all taking it too seriously? The girl doesn't need advice, she's on a hunting trip.


I'm not taking this seriously no more.




:lmao: :lmao:


I know. We've all given her good advice, told her what will happen and all the fallout that follows...She isn't listening. She is going to do what she's going to do no matter what we say and now her posting is just SO THERE in our faces...Mandy, why are you still posting? Are you waiting for people to give you pointers on how to get this guy in the sack now? Ain't gonna happen...

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I have read this post from beginning to end and I have one conclusion: SHE IS IN HER OWN WORLD! She knows exactly what she is doing. Lay off everyone, it's not worth it.

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Here's an up date as to what happened last night -


He said he was coming over after work, that should be around 6:00pm, he called to say he had been held up and would be running 15 mins late, he ended up coming over about 6:30pm.


He bought me flowers and a promotional pair of bungaberg rum "bear feet" socks - they're so cute.


When he came in he kissed me on the cheek - asked how i was doing etc


Then we went into the lounge room. He said hi to Mum and Dad, they stayed and chatted to him for about an hour, then they went to the back of the house.


We drank coffee after coffee, he said he wasnt going to stay long, but that all changed, someone called several times, i suspect its his wife, he said he was having drinks with a friend and would be "there" soon.


Anyway he didn't leave here until 11:00pm - we talked about everything!!


I told him i couldnt wait for my health to be back to normal so i could take himto dinner, he said he cant wait either and thought i would be "wild"


There was sooooo much flirting going on - smiling and eye contact never stopped. He sat on our 3 seater lounge and i sat close to him, every now and then i would stroke him arm and only once he put his hand over mind but only for a breif few seconds. He kept touching my hair, telling me thats its very nice and shiny and considering my health situation he is suprised my hair and me in general looks so good (i am a bleach blonde and last time he saw me i was a dark honey blonde and recently i had it bleached platinum blonde!)


He was telling me about this car that he is "doing up" and asked if i wanted to come outside to see it, so we did, we sat in his car for about half hour talking, nothing happened, but it got a bit awkward so i said lets get back to the house, everyone will be wondering where we are.


When he left i walked him out, i leaned over to hug him and he was waiting for it, we hugged a very long tight hug, and he stroked my hair AGAIN.


No kisses, although i so deserpately wanted to plant one on his lips.....I dare not make eye contact with him whilst hugging or else something would've happened.......


All in all it was a great night, he said i am a special friend and his life is richer for knowing me.....


He said he would call........


This morning i got a text saying "we have to catch up again sometime very soon"


I am happy with the outcome

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Please. Loveshackers...Don't reply to anymore of her posts. There is no point anymore as she doesn't need anybody's help. She's gonna bang the dentist!

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if i was going to bang him i would've done it last night, we have a special friendship, that in time may grow to something more, we have a connection - i cant deny that.

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I frequently lurk at one site that lampoons these sorts of things and this post is so stereotypical and predictible in both the description of the affair, the progress of it, and the unrepentant language used that it is very much like one of the parodies I have read there on that site.

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if i was going to bang him i would've done it last night, we have a special friendship, that in time may grow to something more, we have a connection - i cant deny that.


:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:


this is ridiculous...

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You are taking a beating in this post and I think it is unfair. So you have decided what you want to do. It is totally YOUR business and you did come here looking for advice and I jokingly came up with a couple of ideas. This is no joking matter and I apologize if I sent you any mixed messages. The bottom line is if this is persued, someone will get hurt...if not you, then his wife. It is so hard to resist the temptation when someone is showing you some extra attention that you are not used to getting. I think that you are correct in thinking that he is interested in you but considering what is at stake, I think you better make sure he understands that you know he is married. Let him tell you his reasons for ignoring that fact. Maybe he is having marital problems, maybe they are not happy at all and are not going to have a future. I think you have the right to know what you are getting into before you make the big leap. I told you before that it is no party when you are dealing with a MM. Everyone loses in the long run. I am not one to give good advice right now but if I had everything to do over again, I might have done things very differently. Good luck and I will keep in touch. You know, people come here for support and someone to talk to, there is absolutely no reason for everyone to keep bashing you for being honest about your feelings. If they don't like this post or what is said in it, then they should not read it. Sorry you have had so much crap over this. I feel partly responsible for the candid way we were talking on saturday. Talk soon.

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I am not bashing Mandy...I am frustrated that I offer her advice, and she doesn't want to hear it...She cannot and will not foresee the bad stuff. That comes with age I guess...And also the fact her parents have chosen to close their eyes and look away. That burns my a$$ abit, to be honest. Her folks aren't stupid! They've been around the block afew times to know, and I'm sure her father, being a man MUST know too.

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They've been around the block afew times to know, and I'm sure her father, being a man MUST know too.


That's mainly what's got me questioning the validity of mandy's posts. I know there are some people who think/act the way mandy is, but for her parents to condone that type of thing is a little out there. There's no way a girl's father isn't going to pick up on the fact that a man wants his daughter, and I can't see any father in his right mind stepping out and making room for said married, and much older, man to get comfy with and take advantage of his daughter.


But I guess there are those types of parents out there too... which might account for why mandy is thinking the way she is (if she's for real).

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