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Okay, so I like this girl in my highschool class...


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Heya, folks, any advice, or whatever you have would be greatly appreciated. It feels awkward asking other people about help in a relationship, but I may as well give this a shot.


So there is this girl in Psychology class. I really like her as a friend, and hope to progress it to something further, talking to her is pretty fun. We really hit it off the previous few months in a Triginometry class where I ALMOST asked her out at the end of the class, but backed off because well, I don't rightly know I froze up in fear or something. Back to the predicament, we really like talking to each other I make her laugh, she makes me laugh, but you get the picture hopefully. BUY I don't know how to progress the relationship further, where to go first, how to go about doing it. I value our friendship a whole lot, and I don't want things to be awkward between us if I do something stupid like ask her out, and she turns me down, then I make an *** out of myself.


So, I think I know the first few steps. Which would probably be to improve communication? Like Email, phone, etc. Then should I talk to her about things she likes? I.E. She writes, so I should ask to read what she writes?


Alright, if that wasn't enough, there are these rumors she is a lesbian. Now, I don't mind that at all as her friend, but if its going to be awfully hard to progress a relationship further when I'm a guy that likes girls, but she's a girl that likes girls. Is there some type of signal? Once again, I don't want to make an *** out of myself.


Well, it gets worse because a huge percent of the school thinks I am Gay. Yeah, I'm not, I just don't date every stranger I meet. So, my question is how do I progress this relationship further unless I know I'm getting the correct signals? She's always blushing whenever I talk to her, so I don't know.


I think I know what to do, but I'm questioning if I am getting the right signs to go ahead. I really like her, and I don't want to screw this up.

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