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Can't seem to talk when I am around her

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When I am around the girl or have a chance to say something to her I get scared and don't do anything. Her locker is near mine so there is many opportunities to do something and I can talk to other girls but I have a problem talkin when I see her. We have talked before but now that I like her I seem to freeze up.

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but now that I like her I seem to freeze up.


Exactly there's your problem. You're putting an image of her in your head that you like her and dont want to screw up by saying something stupid. Basically you're letting these thoughts take over. so you choke and dont know what to say when you're around her.


Well get over it! tell yourself there are other girls out there. Dont let your mind fool you by believing that she could be a good gf or 'the one'. The reason those other girls you talk to doesnt have this kind of efffect on you is because you KNOW nothing's going to happen. you KNOW you're not interested in them, that you're not going to ask them out.


Even if you dont get over this, no matter how shy or afraid of screwing up you could be. Just talk. you dont have to ask her out immediately. Just chat, get to know her. and forget your fears of outcome, nothing in life really goes as we expect it to.

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