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Please Please Please Help...


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ok so there's this guy I dated (not exclusively for 3 weeks). I liked him alot but he pulled the "I don't see this going anywhere" card. BUT I was so nervous around him so I wasn't myself. Suddenly I sound myself being stupid, cligny, boring. but that's not who I am ya know? Oh and I didn't kiss him and he tried several times (again I was nervous but I really did want to). I want to tell him but it's been....NINE MONTHS (god i'm so pathetic) and to bring it up would just be akward. We finally started talking again. We were friends before and he is SO cool, awesome, funny, sweet, etc. and I've missed talking to him and hanging out and stuff. Basically I lost one of my friends over a 3 week thing that just left me broken hearted and sad. I've been trying to get over him and I'll convince myself that I don't like him but then i'll see him or he'll flirt with me and I freakin want him again. BUT he's a major flirt and crap so I don't know if he can even commit to a relationshtip.


BUT...I really want to date him (exclusively this time) and I know thats retarded and irrational but i'm so happy we're talking now and I don't want to screew things up


WHAT IF...I don't say anything and I just think about it excessively and wonder what if? It will be difficult to be just friends with him flirting with me and ya.


What should I do? I want to tell him but I don't want to ruin the friendship that is just beginning again. Should I get him to like me? Flirt, play hard to get etc. but then when it doesn't work out we won't be friends again and he's the coolest sweetest funniest and nicest guy I know and ive really missed him.......


PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Just be honest with him, and tell him how you feel. Dont play games, guys hate that. If he says no, you'll know where you stand, if you cant stand his flirting you'll have to get over him, and maybe stop being his friend.


There is no point in messing yourself around over one person.

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Wow, I felt myself getting nervous for you just reading your post. You first need to calm down when you are thinking about him and when you are talking to him. You don't need to play hard to get, but you do need to remain composed enough to have intelligent conversation with some flirting mixed in.


Since he is constantly flirting, made several attempts to kiss you, then dropped you when you didn't do more, he could be a player though. With as much enthusiasm you are showing for him, you may be ripe for the taking if he is.


So first knock him off that pedestal you have him on so you can talk to him naturally, and second, be careful if you are looking for a lot more than sex.

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First, calm down. Second, write him. Third, don't send it.


You heard me. Don't send what you write. Wait a day. Come back, re-read it. If it sounds at all panicy or desperate or weird, reword it or rewrite it.


Explain what you just said, that the last time you dated, you were nervous, wanted to kiss, but also didn't, and would like to try things again.

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just to clarify I'm not crazy or weird or anything. Regardless of what the post sounded like. If it came off as weird, crazy it's b/c i haven't talked about it for like 9 months and i was under a lot of stress when i wrote it. I don't act totally weird around him. It's just a little akward. I can have a conversation. ok just to clarify. gracias

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