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do I take her back


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I was dating someone for two years. I love her. I recently have had trouble in bed. We talked about it. She asked if I ever considered viagra. I went and got the hims. And it works. This was in January. I was able to get and maintain an erection. But I kept getting in my own head. And stopped having sex with her because I became so nervous. Because of that we were only have sex once prob every two weeks. Sometimes more. She then cheated on me. She was the one that told me because she was sorry. I said it’s over and during the breakup as we were talking she was sorry. I could tell she really was. I blocked her on everything because she should have talked with me about how sexually frustrated she was with me. She then wrote me a letter 

the letter reads 

I don’t expect to get back together or even talk to me right now but just know I’m willing to give you all the time you need to heal. I hope I can regain your trust somehow. I can only imagine how hard this is on you because it’s killing me. You mean the world to me and I will always love you.

I’m so upset with myself I haven’t been able to stop crying. I hope someday down the road you can forgive me. And not today hit one day. I will wait for you and try to rebuild your trust as much as I can. I’m going to miss going to parks with you and the dogs. Rock game at weko beach. I love you and like I said I will wait for you. Please forgive me. I made a mistake. I will never let you go. I love you forever

i love you and miss you so much. I know this isn’t going to be easy and it’s going to take some time. I know I really messed up and I’m sorry with all my heart 

I felt this was a very nice and touching note. It’s been a few days since I’ve got it but my emotions are telling me to talk with her. And hear her out. Maybe have another conversation. 

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No point in getting back together if the problem is not solved. Even with the pills it was not enough for her.

Now that she cheated that problem will be added on top of everything else that causes your ED. I cannot see how that can miraculously lead to a happy story.

It's normal you miss her, she misses you, remember when you glue back together a broken vase it remains a broken vase.

Leave some months between you two. You both need to grow out of this, you as much as her. 

Edited by Gaeta
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2 hours ago, Blueyes2791 said:

. She then cheated on me.  I blocked her on everything because she should have talked with me about how sexually frustrated she was with me. 

Unfortunately whenever an ex contacts you it's for their own reasons. Lonely, bored, in-between relationships,etc 

Talk if you wish but guard your heart and tread carefully. Is this the same woman?:.


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45 minutes ago, Wiseman2 said:

Unfortunately whenever an ex contacts you it's for their own reasons. Lonely, bored, in-between relationships,etc 

Talk if you wish but guard your heart and tread carefully. Is this the same woman?:.


It was the same yes. I had a moment of weakness and asked if it’s ok to talk about it. She said yes but then said she needs more time. My guess is she is pursuing whomever she cheated me with. It’s over 100% for good now. 
I believe it was just a moment of weakness from me. Trying to maybe get back with her thinking it’s my fault that I coulda done stuff differently. Which I could have but what she did is inexcusable. Now that I’m looking at it rationally makes me realize even with my shortcomings you don’t cheat. You talk about it. I probably just missed her bc I was thinking of the good times. But I deserve someone who even in my faults won’t do that to me 

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Agree. Leave it the way it is. And get rid of the letter if you keep looking at it and thinking twice. Don’t live in the past. 

What was it that kept getting in your head during sex that made you nervous? Were you always worried about what she would think? Did she ever seem judgmental about your body or things you’ve said and done in the past?

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On 6/7/2023 at 3:45 PM, Blueyes2791 said:

I had a moment of weakness and asked if it’s ok to talk about it. She said yes but then said she needs more time.

Wait. Am I understanding this correctly? So she wrote the letter you shared with us. Then, upon receiving the letter and after starting this thread, you contacted her to talk about it. And she said, "yes, but I need more time?"

Do I have that correctly?

If so, holy freaking bananas Batman. What a horrible human being. She's playing with her food. Nothing more. She sends this sort of fall on your sword email and then when you flinch and make contact she pulls it away? Never talk to this woman again. I'm really sorry OP. You deserve someone better.


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It’s very magnanimous of her to send this letter. I would respond with a thanks - but I wish you well letter of my own…

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Ageless Wisdom23

Give it a few more days to think things over.  She sounds sincere.  Whoever, GO SLOW if you take her back.  Work out the kinks so you both can get on the same page.  Everyone deserves a second chance in romance 😍if you feel you can forgive and forget.

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She cheated on you so what is there to think about?

It doesn't matter how remorseful and sincere she is. 

She chose to have sex with another guy.

That is unforgivable.

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