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What do you do to get over that feeling of hopelessness? The feeling that you're getting nowhere in life? I'm in a slump and would appreciate some help. Thanks

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There's different ways. Some people see how bad off other people have it and realize they don't have it that bad. Others set small goals to start getting back on track. Some people just realize they are depressed and make themselves snap out of it. Some people find things to do to keep them occupied (hobbies, going out with friends. If you think you might have severe depression or you find yourself in "slumps" on and off, you might want to see a doctor. Good luck.

What do you do to get over that feeling of hopelessness? The feeling that you're getting nowhere in life? I'm in a slump and would appreciate some help. Thanks
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1. "What do you do to get over that feeling of hopelessness?"


It's OK to feel that way sometimes. We all have periods of feeling we're stuck or at the end of the line. We need that feeling sometimes to make us appreciate the greatness of life, which we feel most of the time.


There's a book of cartoons, by Ashleigh Brilliant, entitled: "I feel a lot better now that I've given up all hope." Sometimes, when we just give up and turn our lives over to a higher power, we can find peace in that.


The fact is that ALL feelings of hopelessness are very temporary. History is filled with instances where men were in the most desperate of circumstances and they came out just fine.


There is no such thing as hopelessness, actually, just the illusion that our current situation is hopeless. The sun will always come out tomorrow...and it's only a day away. (That's from a Broadway play, Annie)


2. "The feeling that you're getting nowhere in life?"


First of all, to have that feeling you have to have the idea that you must always be going somewhere in life.


There's an old Zen saying, "A good traveler has no destination in mind and is not intent on arriving." We don't need to always be making progress. The most beautiful tree lives its entire life in one place and depends on the wind for movement. Hopelessness is more of a feeling of despair, loneliness, solitude. In life, we need not be moving in any direction all the time. Hopelessness itself is a part of the journey, just like heartache, loss, pain, rejection, happiness, euphoria, acceptance, accomplishment, and much more. They are all stops along the track of life. Right now, you're train is down for repairs...but it'll get back on schedule.


If you have a feeling you're not going anywhere, if you finally got wherever it is you're depressed about not being, you'd be there and, again, you'd be going nowhere. So don't make such a big deal about not getting anywhere. The real time to feel hopeless is probably when you have arrived and there's no place else to go.


These feelings will pass. Get off your butt and do things with friends, post in forums, write a book, take a walk in a park, do volunteer work in a hospital where people are dying with NO CHANCE of ever getting better. Realize that no matter where you are in life, there are many people who are in worse shape.


You are not stuck where you are. Be with the moment. When you get tired of being hopeless, you'll move on. Meanwhile, use this time to write in a journal, write poetry. Some of the greatest works of literature were written when the authors were feeling just like you are right now. You'll be fine!!!


Trust me.

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hi rob,


this genral feeling of 'hopelessness' you are feeling is something that many of us have experienced at one time or another in our lives. it's not unusual for a person to reach a point in their life where things have not turned out the way they want them to. trust me, i've been in your shoes before, and i know how easy it is to feel as though you are stuck in a rut.


whether the cause of these feelings of hopelessness have come from a failed relationship, family problems, work problems etc, just keep in mind that things won't be like this for a long time if *you* make the decision to change things for the better. a few years back i felt as though i was in a terrible rut....a long-term relationship had ended for good, my career was going nowhere and i hated my job...my life had become so boringly routine and i was not happy at all. but it was up to me to pick myself up and i did that. i left my boring job, i went out more with friends and tried to enjoy myself, and i finally decided to go overseas for a few months.


i think a couple of the best approaches to overcoming the feeling of hoplessness is to:


a) not expect that you always have to be going somewhere;


b) change your routine somewhat e.g. go places you haven't been to before but would like to, if you don't like your job consider looking for a new one, take a course, join a sports team....the list is endless.


just don't get yourself into a trap where you dwell on things all the time. you have to make a conscious effort *yourself* to make yourself happy, and part of that includes accepting that the way you are feeling now is only a temporary thing, no matter how crappy you might feel.


of course, if you find these feelings of hopelessness becoming a lot stronger, don't hesitate to speak to a counsellor or see a doctor about this.


good luck to you and remember....things can only get better from here!



What do you do to get over that feeling of hopelessness? The feeling that you're getting nowhere in life? I'm in a slump and would appreciate some help. Thanks
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Thanks all for the comments. I just get so damn depressed sometimes.

What do you do to get over that feeling of hopelessness? The feeling that you're getting nowhere in life? I'm in a slump and would appreciate some help. Thanks
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