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He's having me evicted

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No matter what happens from here on out, this should be a blasting wake-up call to you.  Remaining passive is very dangerous.   Please don't keep every aspect of your own life hinged upon the mood swings or whatever is going on with this man.  You have very strong history now that shows you, without doubt, that your situation is precarious. 

It will be even worse as you grow older.   Your options for gaining any kind of self reliance will be shrinking.   

Of course I and probably everyone else here hopes that your relationship with this person is finally at its end.  And I am truly sorry that it's come to such an ugly point and that you are under such profound duress.  That said, you really have to muster what resources you can and start NOW to provide for and protect yourself in all ways.  Even if you stay with him.  This will happen again.

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3 hours ago, NuevoYorko said:

It seems that you are leaning towards doing nothing and leaving this all in his court to either follow through with or change his course.  Is this correct? 


It seems she's betting on him backing out of evicting her to hold onto his home.  Even is he doesn't evict OP that isn't going to make him want you.  He may get to the point where he starts seeing other women right under your nose to make it so unbearable for you that you will have no other choice but to go.  He will let you stay not because he loves you; but on the advice of his counsel.  Is that how you plan to live the rest of your life?

Edited by stillafool
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OP, It really does seem like your first choice would for this “phase” to pass and things go back to how they were. Is that right?

Edited by Weezy1973
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6 hours ago, Lilac243 said:

. The agency who sent me the letter said that I can contest it by just writing them an email. The agent seemed to think that the eviction request wouldn't be approved when I told her I'd be homeless, but of course, she couldn't tell me that for sure. 

Is your BF still pursuing this?  So the people that are suing you for eviction gave you this advice? Hopefully things work out for you. 

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