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Hello I am new here, I found this site while looking for advice on this......

I was in a long term relationship, which ended 6 months ago. It's been a long time since I've dated.

I met this guy about 2-3 months ago, well re-met him, we worked together a few years ago but wern't really friends, just acquaintances. We went out for drinks and ended up sleeping with each other. He invited me to spend the night, but I declined.

We still see each other once a week or so. I'd like to see him more. He claims to always be busy with work and stuff.

We usually go out with his friends, and I have met most of his friends. We still are sleeping together, and now I usually spend the night. He'll make me coffee in the morning and give me a kiss as I walk out the door.

I've tried to get out of him what we are or where we're going, with out coming out and asking. And he response has been lets just go with the flow.

He has also apologized for being so busy and seemingly selfish, and he's sure it's frustrating and un-fair to me. He has also said that he does enjoy spending time with me.

So basiclly I'm not sure if we are dating, seeing each other or are simply friends with benefits.

I should come out and ask him, but I'm not sure how to approach it.

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It sounds like you've slid into a friends with benefits situation with this guy.


I've tried to get out of him what we are or where we're going, with out coming out and asking. And he response has been lets just go with the flow.


He likes things the way they are. Be honest with him about what you want. Tell him you want to date him or be in a committed relationship with him. Ask him if he agrees.


If he refuses to answer directly or rambles on about 'going with the flow', he's basically telling you he wants no further involvement with you than what is occuring now--sex, affection, hanging out, with no commitments to eachother. If this isn't what you want with this guy, don't show him your anger or hurt, but say goodbye, walk away from him and find someone else who wants the same things you do.

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