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Do I need to be needier?

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Don't really know where to post this, but I guess it does come down to jealousy, maybe not so much in the traditional sense of this board...


My ex college roommate called me last night to break the news of her engagement... Yes, I'm happy for her as she is a dear friend, and I want nothing but happiness for her...


Here's where my problem comes in... throughout a year of living with this girl, I saw her change boyfriends more than she changed her clothes... literally she'd have the next relationship started before ending things with the previous one... I was the shoulder the guys would come to cry on when she broke their hearts... she treated each and every one like crap, constantly cheated, lied and betrayed them all.


I'm trying really hard to be happy for her, as she thinks he's the one, he's changed her and made her want to be a better person... which is great, because I love her to death, but always hated the way she treated men.


Here I am struggling to make a guy stick around for more than a few months, I treat them like gold, and they essentially use my lighthearted, good nature as in invitation to use me as a doormat... Why is it that a constant heartbreaker/high maintenance girl gets to be happy, and a fun loving, laid back girl has to struggle just to hang on to something? (I know it's the nice girls/guys finish last syndrome)... but it stinks!

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Don't be envying her. Someone who, in the course of a year, has gone through multiple boyfriends and is already engaged is not likely to have the greatest of relationships. It seems to me she was eager to marry and thinks she's 'landed' one. But marriage takes much more than a few months' worth of relationship and thinking someone is 'the one'.

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