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Question for Tony

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Hi Tony,


Just courious, what is your relationship history? Don't take it the wrong way at all. I just wondered since you always help people out on this forum. And are you currently in a relationship now. Have you ever been in a relationship with someone much younger than you maybe 8-9 years your younger? Some input would be appreciated, thanks. I just had a break and she was about 9 years younger than me.



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1. "Just courious, what is your relationship history?"


You really don't want to know. I've been screwed every which way you can be. But I've also dated some of the most wonderful ladies on the planet. When I was just starting out, I only went after the bxtches who would screw me up and down (and I don't mean sexually). If a girl liked me or was very nice to me, she didn't stand a chance.


I sit at night sometimes thinking about how stupid I was and how it would be so nice to have some of those great ladies back.


2. "Don't take it the wrong way at all. I just wondered since you always help people out on this forum."


Don't take what wrong...are you talking about the question about my relationship history? I think that was pretty straight forward. What other way can you take it? I guess I'm pretty dumb, huh?


3. "And are you currently in a relationship now."


Yes, and very happy. The only thing that upsets me is having to change her litter on a regular basis.


4. "Have you ever been in a relationship with someone much younger than you maybe 8-9 years your younger?"


Most all of my relationship with females in recent years have been with those nine years or more younger. I just gravitate to them and they gravitate to me. It keeps me thinking you.


I suppose subconsciously it's an effort on my part to go back to my younger days and do things right. I mean I made every mistake you could possibly make and even invented a few.


Now, with great modesty, I can tell you that I have never failed to have a lady fall in love with me if that's what I desired. The secret is patience and not going for their crotch in the first five minutes. Women are very impressed with a guy who takes it slowly, I have found.


And, believe it or not, I have remained friends with every ex. The break ups were extremely friendly. I loved them dearly. I just didn't want to marry them. I learned a very long time ago that just because you love someone with all your heart is no sign you are obligated to marry them. I know that when the RIGHT person comes along, I will want to marry her.


If you read this forum on a regular basis, you will learn all my secrets. But I'm not going to put them all right here for a guy named "beep". You must be related to Roadrunner.


Come back to the forum often and give your own advice and take on people's posts. That would be great. If you live in America, HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY!!!

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