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Nervous in new job and trying to stop shying away from conversational openings.

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I've started a new job today, I've enjoyed it, but everyone there knows each other and I couldn't find that conversational opening to try to put myself out there as I sometimes do.

There was a huge group of them and I shyed from it a bit. I don't want to get a tag as the shy person and I won't lie, I'm trying to impress a few of them in a social way.

It's common for these nerves to occur for alot of people in the first day of a new job, but I want to make a good impression; I really want to prevent any tag of being shy or quiet. I know I can be really sociable as I've done it before early on.

Any advice on how to get that first building block, as such? To stop shying away from conversational openings? 

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Give it time. You'll quickly start to recognize who you click with and who you feel comfortable talking to.

Don't stress about it too much- it will come with time and effort. If you focus on getting to know people and learning more about the company, you will naturally get more comfortable and find more conversational openings. Good luck with the new job!

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I would cut yourself some slack!  Being new is always a change and can be hard. 100% agree with Alpacalia-companies (Departments) have a certain culture and since you are new-it's ok to step back and observe. I think people will show you who they are and what is "normal." I hope you find some kind souls.  Much luck on a new job!  Exciting!

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I find it's nearly impossible to break into a whole group of people you don't know.  So Instead of trying to join the group, start with one person at a time and work your way up

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