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I ruined dinner ๐Ÿ˜”


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I tried making dinner for my partner yesterday but the meal came out awful. The chicken was undercooked, the rice was bland and I felt stupid. I said, you wanna go get some fast food instead, and he said, "Are you sure it won't hurt your feelings?" I feel like I made a total fool of myself and he's probably going to dump me. I've been thinking all day about how I screwed everything up.ย :(

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I'm a good cook, but still have the odd kitchen disaster.ย  ย The answer is to get a pizza and wine and laugh it off

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Just put the dish back in the oven to cook it longer, no?

I have never heard of a man dumping a woman because her first dinner did not turn out ok.ย 

Relaxe. If he's that shallow then you don't want him anyway.

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1 hour ago, chickendinner12 said:

I said, you wanna go get some fast food instead, and he said, "Are you sure it won't hurt your feelings?".ย :(

Great idea to get fast food. He didn't seem to mind at all. Never eat under cooked chicken. Read up on food safety.

Edited by Wiseman2
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If he judges you just based on that....he's not worth having around. Relax we all do something embarrassing and cringey. That's life ๐Ÿ˜€ย 

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He was trying to be considerate and understanding in his response. Relationships are built on more than just one meal. Don't fret.

Edited by Alpacalia
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Did you have a conversation about why he'sย been distancingย himself lately?ย You did not update your last thread.ย 

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I'm sorry but your insecurity does not have to do with failing to cook a good meal. Do you realize how many bad meals are cooked everyday in millions of households around the world? Every day.ย 

What's this insecurity really about?

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Why would he dump you over this? ย  That seems like a very irrational thought. ย Unless the relationship already is on very shaky ground?

There's no reason to freak out so much over the fact that your dinner didn't come out well. ย The best approach would be to laugh about it and then say "let's just go out for dinner!" ย It doesn't need to be this big dramatic thing that you're making it out to be.

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5 hours ago, chickendinner12 said:

feel like I made a total fool of myself and he's probably going to dump me.

Your relationship is in a really bad place if he'd dump you over this.ย 


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7 hours ago, ExpatInItaly said:

Your relationship is in a really bad place if he'd dump you over this.ย 


This is exactly what I thought.

Everyone ruins a meal at some point.

It is what it is, no big deal.

Let it go.

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I sure he appreciated that you went to the trouble of trying.ย  No one starts out a great cook, but with practice you get better and better once you start liking to cook.

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17 hours ago, chickendinner12 said:

I feel like I made a total fool of myself and he's probably going to dump me.

Unlikely if he really likes you otherwise. Are there other signs he's getting less interested? If not you're probably just being insecure.

There are a LOT of things that a guy can like about a girl, particularly at the early stages of a relationship. "Good cooking" is more like a bonding element for much later in the relationship when the giddy initial love feelings have died down a bit. So, you may have lots of time to practice/perfect your culinary skills...

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19 hours ago, chickendinner12 said:

I tried making dinner for my partner yesterday but the meal came out awful. The chicken

I'm sorry but I couldn't help but notice... is this the origin story of your username? ๐Ÿ˜…

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No you did not ruin dinner! Not everyone is good in the kitchen and atleast you tried! That counts too! And also the way you resolved it by saying "Let's get some fast food instead" is a clever way to do it :Dย ย you know maybe next time when you cook dinner he can show you how to do it and then maybe laugh it off hehe ๐Ÿ™Œ

Don't sweat over it, you'll be just fine

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