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My boyfriend is meeting a girl he met on a dating app for drinks tonight


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10 hours ago, S2B said:

What’s the update Yellowrose?

They broke up My boyfriend and I have finally split up - Dating - LoveShack.org

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On 9/14/2023 at 8:19 PM, Yellowrose91 said:

I’m seeking some advice about this situation. My boyfriend is lovely. We met on a dating app a few months back. He’s from a different country, and although he is sociable and friendly he doesn’t have many friends here, just a few.

I was speaking to him on the phone yesterday. He told me he will be meeting an ‘acquaintance’. I asked for more information about who it was as, and he told me it was a girl he’d met on a dating app in February(he met me in March and has since deleted his app). He’d never mentioned her before this. He said she is about his age and an athlete. Apparently, when they went out (before he met me) they weren’t each other’s type, they only see eachother as friends, and now he will go out with her shortly one on one, to get a drink and ‘have a chat’.

He called me tonight , and I expressed how disappointed I was. He said that they have a platonic relationship and he told me I’m being jealous. He said that he is still going, and was going to show off about me to her but now will keep any comments about me short. He said I’m so out of order, and that his male friend once shared a bed with a girl and his girlfriend didn’t mind. Our conversation ended terribly with me getting quite frustrated.

Is this ok in a relationship? Any input is appreciated

Even if he met this girl  through work or on a pen pal site ... I'd still be sus. So no I don't think it's an overreaction.

If he only sees this girl as a " friend", then why aren't you invited? . It's already weird he'd meet up with someone else from a dating site,when he's supposed to be in a relationship with you . That's a big  red flag 🚩 in my book 📖



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This situation makes me wonder if the guy ever really was an actual boyfriend. Did he ever mutually agree to be exclusive with her?

If they had only been going out for a few months perhaps she viewed it as being more serious than it actually was.

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